This kind God!(Good out of evil)
My good people,i want to begin to gist you in this special series(This kind God!) on some great ,strange,miraculous,faith-giving testimonies of some people which i am sure will help you and teach you some good lessons.The testimonies are real and not forged.I will have to start with this one in this episode.This one is about a man who was to defend his doctorate degree(PHD)project.On that particular day,the professors who were to supervise it were there.The projector,generating set,laptop and other things needed for his defence were ready with the professors waiting to do what they know well.The generator was started,it worked for some seconds and stopped.The same thing happened to the second generator he hired.You may be wondering what the cause of the problem actually was....Satan pressing some dangerous buttons?Somebody in the village making some enchantments?Luck against him?Or....?He went out and borrowed a third bigger and newer generator.This time around,the generator did not b...