
Showing posts from February, 2011

The Hiphop Christians

Who are they? Where are they? What do they actually mean by that? What are they standing for? I just hope that this is not one of the latest and/or last signs of the end of days! We really need to be more commited with watching and praying, for the days are more dangerous than we initially thought. Sometime last year, I went to visit a friend of mine and on reaching his house, I met two other people who came to visit him. They claimed to be 'hiphop christians'.During the course of the discussion that ensued, I came to know, for the first time, that there are a group of people known as the hiphop christians. From their explanations and arguements, they tried classifying christians based on their personal criteria. From my little knowledge of the bible, I know that a christian is a christian and there is no classification, no sentiments, no dilution, no consideration, neither is there any personal opinion attached to it. Just as I have always said and will always say, just as ...

Nigerian Elections - When Sycophancy Pays

Elections are at the corner with party campaigns heating up, politicians are making their interests known to the public. Carefully concocted manifestos are being paraded, INEC compiling the names of party representatives and support sought from individuals and people groups. The great wind of elections is sweeping across the country and many become victims of assassinations and kidnaps, others end up mishaving due to much excitement. With the good, the bad and the ugly poised to lock horns in the April polls, the electorates are left with much work to do in the voting process. Politics in Nigeria has been regarded by people as the quickest and easiest way to get rich and amass wealth for themselves and unborn generations, at the expense of other legitimate citizens. This poor mentality has even been bequeathed to the younger generation, who are supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow, the future of Nigeria, our hope of escaping possible extinction of our nascent democracy and the hop...

Spiritual Fruit vs Spiritual Gift

To start with, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are those special but spiritual abilities that manifest in a believer after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, whereas the fruit of the Holy Spirit is a conglomeration of all the expected and distinguishing virtues or characters imputed into a believer during the first work of the Holy Spirit in his/her life at salvation. Actually, the gifts of the Spirit speak more of the power given to christians to be able to do the work of God, ministry-wise. On the other hand, the fruit of the spirit speaks more of the character and behaviour of a christian and serves as a distinguishing factor between the believer and an unbeliever. It is what others see in you, i.e the true reflection of your salvaged personality. Though the gifts and fruit are both important in a christian's life, the latter is better for continuous usage at any point in time. I'll have to marshal out my points to prove this. First, it was the fruit of the Spirit that m...

My Tribute To Chika - The Lessons From The Life Of A 'Sleeping' Gem

"Though (I) was unable to believe (this) because it was not imagined, I spoke with her sister few minutes past and she confirmed it. Sister Chika Okoro is dead!", read the text message I received from Bro. Samuel, the President of the Scripture Union Campus Fellowship located in Evan Enwerem University(EEU), former Imo State University(IMSU) at 04:25:29p.m. on Sunday, the 28th day of November, 2010 as I was fraternising with a good friend of mine. Though the news of the sudden and untimely demise of Chika may long have been deleted from the minds of many, even those very close to her, the ugly incident continually reminds me of our ephemeral lives. 'Shocking!' is evidently an understatement as I lack words to describe the irreplaceable loss. As I cogitatively reminisce on her great exploits and the impact on the teachable remnant privileged to be living, I only pause to ponder and ask- why so soon? I actually don't expect any response from anyone because I know ...