
Showing posts from August, 2011

Beyond Ashes And Sackclothes

Unarguably, the decisions we make each moment of our lives have a way of making or destroying us- it can either make us better or worse. Again, our actions, to a great extent dramatise our decisions. The truth remains that our decisions, thoughts and actions cannot be separated, they work together to determine our choices and relevance; the nature of our relationship with people and all-round influence on our society. Once in a while, we make up our minds to act in ways that leave us regretting at the long run. Though some people consciously decide to commit crime, giving themselves biased and selfish reasons for their actions ,in some others, the consciences is still potent in its regulatory role and ability to sharply differentiate between good and evil. God must have seen that evil shall abound and that people will have to decide what to do with life's numerous 'presents', before creating and giving everyone of us the abstract regulator in the form of conscience. ...