
Showing posts from June, 2021

Your Sanity, Your Choice.

 In the midst of many troubles, trials and conflicts, there remains the need to dwell beside the still waters. You may not have bargained for what you are experiencing or seeing almost everywhere, and may not even know the way out of the situations. Your existence in the future may appear impossible, as  the 'fear of the unknown' grips you, successfully keeping you in bounds. It may look like a time when remaining alive and having your loved ones do same, is a mirage, due to the preventable conditions birthed by scars of past conflicts, visible unabating intimidation, unwarranted suppression, with the nonchalance of those we gave the privilege of occupying positions of leadership. Man is not limitless, wherever he may be found; despite his level of sophistication, the wealth of his armoury, intimidating records and exceptional skills. These times are perilous, we must accept it and trust God enough to see us through. The troubles in the world today may never become better, but...