Marriage, Infidelity and Forgiveness.

Marriage is beautiful, especially when we prayerfully get it right with partners, who by virtue of their genuine and unreserved love for God; and proper grasp of the expectations in the union, tirelessly  work towards making the home a haven, devoid of tension and rancour.

On Infidelity...

Infidelity, like any other unavoidable offence, is the only condition the bible gave for divorce. 

Paul mentioned some things in his epistles that are not synonymous to divorce.

Ordinarily, infịdelịty shouldn't happen or be imagined in a Christian marriage. Unfortunately, it happens sometimes. When it does occur, it strains the union, breaks trust and most times threaten seriously the existence of the relationship.

About forgiveness and infidelity...

Infidelity carries the same penãlty like any other sin - eternal dêath,  but also amenable to forgiveness.

Only a man/woman with a hardened heart, who doesn't want God's forgiveness will refuse to forgive any offence.

That is why divorce is (almost) not an option, even in the case of infidelity, for a Christian who also covets the forgiveness of God for his/her failings.

Jesus clearly told us that the matter of divorce was a product of the hardness of man's heart.

Which infidēlity is more than the sin(s) we commit against God after we have believed? That is tantamount to spiritual infidelity/prõstitution against God, but He forgives us when we truly repent.

We are actually the ones that try to give infidelịty some relevance. Like any other sin; though not easy, it should be forgiven, though done painstakingly through the help of God.

True forgiveness does not mean losing the memory of the offence. The offence may never be forgotten, and it is normal.

But when one truly forgives, he/she does not act strangely towards the offender in a manner that makes the fellow feel unforgiven/ostracized.

It simply means that the cordiality and privileges enjoyed in the relationship by both parties should be fully restored when forgiveness occurs.

A good example is the story of the prodigal son, he was comfortable with being a servant( instead  of a son) to his father, who refused and restored all his privileges and rights as a son, to the envy of his elder brother.

The same thing Christ did for us. We became His younger brothers, with the complete salvation package, from a deplorable life of sin.

Forgiveness should not actually be optional for anyone who needs God's forgiveness, because our own forgiveness depends on it.

If forgiveness truly occurs, the offence is seemingly 'forgotten,' because our actions towards the offender will prove it.

One can choose not to forgive and go ahead to divorce, but risk the forfeiture of God's forgiveness for his/her shortcomings - a terrible place to be.

God is counting on our marriages and homes, through our offsprings to build a better society.

A believer should prayerfully marry a believer. It is the major first step in getting it right in marriage. 



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