...And He Died.
A day usually marks the beginning of the life on earth of every creature including humans.A day on the other hand marks the death of every creature.
Some animals that lived several years ago are no longer in existence. Some have long gone into extinction while some are at the brink of extinction.Click Here or here to see the maximum number of years different animals could live.
Evolution told us some lies that is very dangerous to believe.
The oldest recognised person on record is Jeanne Calment,a french woman who lived for 122 years and 164 days. Maximum recorded lifespan for humans has remained about 105-122 calendar years throughout recorded history,despite steady improvements in life expectancy.
Methuselah lived for 969 years,which should be the highest according to the Bible.
Some animals such as birds and squirrels rarely live to their maximum life span,usually dying of accidents,disease or predation. Grazing animals accumulate wear and tear to their teeth to the point where they can no longer eat,and they die of starvation.
Scholars conclude that Jesus was born 7-2 BC/BCE and died 26-36 AD/CE. There is no contemporary evidence of the exact date of Jesus' birth. The common western standard for numbering years,in which the current year is 2009,is based on an early medieval attempt to count the years from His birth.
Jesus Christ is the son of God. He needed to come to earth for the sole sake of redemption. When man went astray by disobeying at the garden of Eden,he was spiritually separated from God. But because of God's interest in His relationship with man,He allowed Jesus to come to earth through virgin Mary.The 'sin-free' Jesus became a man though still God. At the age of 12, He was found in the temple listening to elders and asking them questions.He began His earthly ministry at the age of thirty. His ministry lasted for three years-that is to say that He died at the age of thirty-three.
His death is very significant in the human race. Towards the end of His life on earth, He did wonders without number,was betrayed by one of His disciples. He was tortured,disgraced just as a criminal will be treated.
He later died on that fateful friday night on the cross of calvary.
One of His influential secret disciples,Simeon buried Him in his personal tomb. It did not end there.He resurrected three days after and ascended into heaven. He is still alive and will live forever.
Through His death, He destroyed the power of death and has given anyone that believes Him access to eternal life.He was born to die for the sin of mankind.As we celebrate His birth,let us not forget the reason for His sacrificial death.
Jesus is the one and only reason for this season.He was born to die for the whole sin of mankind.
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