A Gift From My Heart

Every city is becoming hotter and hotter as the day gradually approaches.The hotels,brothels,charlets and guest houses are getting saturated,even those that are merely conspicuous.Those of them that lacked patronage in the past are now favourites because everyone is scrambling for space for their own shows.There is a sudden increase in the demand of many commodities as in christmas.Everyone is fully aware,the news is in the air,boys and girls are all agog at the thought of the day.Married men and women are not left out because plans are already on the way.Hills are being levelled while valleys are being filled in serious preparation for that particular day.

Owerri,a town with countless hospitality centres is a good example.There are shows being organised to take place in almost every corner.Some churches are also up with their programmes both for youths and adults in commemoration of the event.

Saint Valentine's day is an annual christian or cultural holiday observed by many countries on February 14 for the celebration of love and affection between 'intimate companions.'The holiday is named after one or more early christian matyrs named valentine and was established by Pope Gelasus 1 in 496 AD. It is traditionally a day on which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers,offering confectionery and sending greeting cards(known as 'valentines').The holiday first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages,when the tradition of courtly love flourished.Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline doves,and the figure of the winged cupid.Since the 19th century,hand written valentines have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards.Many things have been said about valentine's day.For more on the history of valentine's day, click Here.

Permit me to digress a bit.Valentine is supposed to be all about the show of ones genuine affection or love towards another.Much have been said about love,lust,infatuation and the likes.Love is a word often found on the lips of almost everybody, to wit,the rich and the poor,the young and the old,the educated and the illiterate,the pagan and the christian,even the good and the bad.The word 'love' has been wrongly used to describe any form of feeling towards one another especially to the opposite sex.Many people have tried classifying love but that attempt refused to clearly paint the picture of what love is.

I came to conclusion that the description most people gave 'love ' is wrong.It has been subtly interchanged with LUST.The majority have actually 'shared' lust in the name of love.Infact,it has been abused to a great extent.A young man can walk up to a lady and muster 'I Love You' without considering and weighing the commitment and consequences of his comment.Not only that,he goes ahead to do so to one,two,three,...seven,eight,nine,and ten others.He seeks to get intimate with each of them and most times would want to defile them by having a carnal knowledge of them as a 'smart guy.'What do I mean?I just got a picture of the word 'lust.'

Lust,love and infatuation are so alike that it can only take God's grace to be able to rightly distinguish them.Love seeks to give while lust seeks to gain.Infatuation seeks to waste.How I wish you will understand!!

God is Love(1 John 4:8,16)

God demonstrated love when He allowed His only begotten son to die for the sin of mankind.This simply means that it is only God that can give meaning and explanation to love.It also means that love cannot be defined outside God.Hear this!You cannot share or transmit love if you dont have God.Do you know that it is only God that can effectively teach you and I how to love sincerely?He pours love into our hearts and enables us to transmit it to others.It is by accepting Christ's sacrifice for our sins and resolving to live like Him that we receive the privilege to possess love and at the same time share it.You can only end up lusting when Christ is not in control of your feelings.

Many men are mere wolves in sheep's clothing.With their 'sweet' luring words,exaggerated and bogus appearances,they catch their cheap preys.Some of them together with some women are gold diggers.Suprisingly,we have failed to possess love but lust.We have been acting based on the 'pleasing' contours of the human body,fine faces, straight legs and so on.We have been carried away by the flashy this and flashy that.We have only been captivated by our strange desires.We have also gotten a shield and 'mantra of defence' in the name of condom,which we preferred to abstinence.No wonder we are into more troubles!

But we are supposed to actually understand and demonstrate the real thing,LOVE.Love is love and cannot be classified.It is either you are loving or not loving.Love demands reconciliation of people to God and their fellow men.Love demands fairness and transparency.Love does not seek to defile,it does not demand sex outside marriage.It does not hurt and is never selfish or greedy.Love is unconditional and pure,both in good and bad times.Love is strong and sacrificial.It endures even till death.

~Happy Valentine's Day~


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