Self Discipline:A Recipe For Success

All my life,I have tried to make a part of me,some godly principles that have so much guided my daily actions.I've done some 'strange' things overlooked in our society.I find it difficult doing them but don't have choice because it simply differentiates me from the intimidating multitude.

Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do something especially something difficult or unpleasant.It takes a well co-ordinated person to do even the minor and negligible things in life.It takes discipline to even bath on a daily basis.That sounds ridiculous but obviously true.

The reason for the substandard services rendered or the care-free and lackadaisical approach to ones responsibilities is simply indiscipline.Success in ones endeavours can always be traced to self-discipline.There's no one that have ever achieved a great feat without an iota of discipline.It's absence only draws one closer to failure.

Discipline is not easy at all but accrues great benefits when inculcated.You'll agree with me that it is even difficult for majority,but ends up making those who put it to work 'superhumans.'

Self-discipline begins with a conscious unwavering decision to do the unusual things and at the same time changing the status quo.It flows from a mind that sincerely wants to affect positively,his generation.Show me a person who wants to affect his world and I'll show you someone who is disciplined to the core.Success is only possible when self-discipline plays the role of an active ingredient.

Self-discipline is very unpleasant.It makes one deny himself some ephemeral pleasures just for the sole sake of becoming a better individual.

Let me share some of my experiences with you.I just can't drop even the smallest garbage anywhere outside the waste-bin.Even if I eat inside a vehicle,I can't think of getting rid of the waste or left-over through the window.To me it's a taboo before God and man.When I carelessly drop waste and you drop yours,it makes the whole environment filthy.Sometimes,I unconsciously end up pocketing the refuse until I get home. In my school,some paths were created on lawns by students.Students formed them but I can't walk across them,though they are shorter routes ,because I learnt right from my secondary school that the act is 'trespassing.'These are just the few I can share with you for now.

Self-discipline helps you to be very time conscious.It doesn't recognise 'african time.'It controls your mode of dressing especially when you are to wear a uniform that others have blatantly refused to wear.It controls your behaviour in toto.Irrespective of our idiosyncratic differences,it puts a check on our actions and choice of words.Self-discipline simply makes you special.It makes you a precious model for others to emulate.

As a christian,it tells you when to pray,study God's word,go for fellowship without unnecessarily missing any.

As a student,it teaches you to take your lectures seriously.It tells you when to study,when to play and when not to gist.Self- discipline has no room for procrastination.It delights in getting tangible results.

Nobody can make much impact in his/her own area(be it academics,trade,civil service,politics and others)without being strictly disciplined,frowning at distractions and accomodating solutions.Self-discipline is the key to success.Without it,success is nothing but a mirage.

Remember that you can't add discipline until you learn to organise and you can't organise until you learn to prioritize.


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