Self Discovery-A Potent Recipe

I once asked a young beautiful lady that I met wearing high-heeled footwear that almost condemned her ankle,why she wore a slippers of that height.She ended up complaining ardently,saying that her course-mates will always mock her due to her small stature,which made her to think of improving her stature.Pronto,I had to sharply rebuke her for ignorance,inferiority complex and poor/low self-esteem.

The lack of self discovery is obviously,the prime cause of people's strange attitudes in our society.Self discovery is the act or process of finding or knowing the truth that was not known about you before.It is the act of knowing the real identity and make-up.It transcends just knowing that you're human.It tells you that everything about you(whether deformed or not) is special against people's belief.

The behavioural difficulties seen in people are the culmination of poor self-esteem,timidity and inferiority complex.When people shamelessly display arrogance and rudeness,it simply shows their lack of understanding of their real identity.When people retaliate when insulted,it depicts sincere ignorance on their part.Hear this!Whatever evil somebody does or says to you is negligible-it does not affect you.It's your reaction to that particular act that gets you involved and affects you.If someone calls me a fool and I shun him and walk away,I've only succeeded in labelling him,a fool.When I give it attention,I paint myself 'mad.'Two persons should not be mad at the same time else something will go wrong.

When boys and girls sag to display their detestable 'gluteus' for public consumption,it shows lack of understanding.When one dresses shabbily on skimpy wears,it shows that he/she is an ignoramus.Prostitutes,abortionists,drug peddlers and the likes are products of inferiority complex.

Who are you?You're God's creation,fearfully and wonderfully made;you are wonderfully complex.You're not like any other beast.You're are not a product of evolution.You're one-of-a-kind,special and not a persona non grata on earth.God knew you right from your mother's womb.He made you very unique from any other person.You dont have a duplicate.He did not make you superior or inferior to anybody.He gave you your own specific assignment.He has put in you everything you need to be successful just as He has allowed in you everything you may need to destroy yourself.He allows you a choice to call up any of the two qualities.He has deposited in you and it's your choice.This is what exactly makes you different from a robot.

No amount of water in the world can sink even the smallest boat unless the water gets inside.Big surprise!It means that much can be said and must necessarily be said about the inside of the boat.If people must must say so much things about the inside of a boat then they must say even much about you. You are more like a boat in a very wonderful and intriguing sense,stirring the path of destiny.Your inside is very special and no amount of difficulties,pains,tears,troubles,obstacles and contempt by adversaries can stop you except you are penetrated.Your self esteem is you defence-it makes you to stand against all odds.

Can you now understand why you have been behaving in such a way that has painted you,'a terror' in your environment?Can you now see why you dress like that,why you get furious on the slighest provocation,why you relate with people like that?Just ignorance.You expect respect without respecting even your elders.You are not cheap to be defiled before getting a job.Dont allow any intimidation because you're equal to the task.Even if there are challenges,you can face them squarely.You've an integrity to protect.If you know whom you are,you will not do what the majority are doing.In the midst of the minority are the just ones.

You may never be able to control or avoid the external aggression especially when they come during their season.However,you can only build yourself against them.In other words,the only way you can change the effects of aggressions on you is to change yourself.

Yes,the only way to change your situation or condition is to change yourself.


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