Let The Dogs Quit The Manger!

Many of the fables that have been credited to Aesop do infact date from well before the 5th century BC and modern scholarship doesn't give much credence to the idea that Aesop's Fables, as we now know them, were written by him at all. Accounts of Aesop's life are vague and date from long after his death. If he existed at all, it was as an editor of earlier Greek and Sumerian stones rather than as the writer of them.

Though nothing written by Aesop now exists in any form one can go into any bookshop and buy, a copy of 'Aesop's Fables' and, for this book more than others is largely thanks to the invention of the movable type printing press.

The infamous 'dog in a manger',who occupied the manger not because he wanted to eat the hay there but to prevent the other animals from doing so, is generally said to have been the invention of the Greek storyteller Aesop(circa 620-564BC).

I came across the phrase,'dog in a manger' which rightly describes the attitude of people in various spheres of life. Variety took its turn in creation and attitudes of humans, giving us a wide range of similar and contrasting lifestyles. The miscellany of man in general has made the world what it is presently. Hardly will you look for a man with certain characteristics without seeing anyone that is very close or even exactly what you want. God made us the way we are with varying reasonings, ideas, strengths, weaknesses,talents,gifts and even idiosyncrasies.

As against a herbivore that feeds on hay, a dog obviously,is an animal that has no business with the eating of grasses. A dog may feed on meat,bone or even nowadays,all the things consumed by humans but hay. On the other hand, a manger is a long trough or open box in a stable(a building for housing horses or an establishment where race-horses are kept and trained) designed to hold feed or fodder for livestock. Fodder is something fed to domestic animals, especially coarse food for cattle, horses or sheep. Fodder, in this sense,is not the type of food a dog feeds on. It is quite unique and peculiar to grass eaters.

What then is the dog doing in the manger? What actually is its mission there?

This concept brings to limelight the presence and the mission of some unscrupulous individuals that have refused to make any reasonable impact and at the same time halted the movement of those that are very enthusiastic about doing so. These people are just specialized in being the clog on the wheels of any meaningful and promising venture. It cuts across every area you can think of including politics,education,business,religion,crime. . .name them! It's important to note that the same issue only brings stagnation and regression at the long run.

Occupying various offices in the nation's leadership cadre are pot-bellied men,cosmetic and funky-feeling women,who are better addressed as impostors. Obviously,these ones go about parading themselves without any tangible thing to show for it.They are unwilling to contribute to the progress of the nation, the accomplishment of her vision but more conscious about the 'extra-large' bags of money moving in and out. Their only sincere desire remains to fatten their bank accounts and seek tenure elongation by hook or crook, without plans of judiciously utilizing it for nation building.

Though it is very clear that the needed change is not in their agenda,vacating the offices for good spirited fellows is neither their option. That is what we are suffering in this nation. Decades ago,we were told that we are the leaders of tomorrow,only to see the same 'old cargoes' refusing to leave the scene for the younger and creative generation to get things right. Like the dog in a manger,they 'bark' and scare away those with the solutions to our problems,though it is evident that they are not ready to address them. I don't know whether they want the angry citizens to mob them despite their intimidating barks or even before their fierce and poisonous bites.

Moreso,these 'dogs' exist in our worship centres. In Islam as well as Christianity or any other religion,they are always available to cause confusion. They are neither here nor there,neither hot nor cold. They claim not to be against uncompromising holy living and also claim to hate evil, but are actually indifferent.

Unlike the touts that get passengers for a trip without making the trip,we have a class of worshippers whom the bible refers to as the pharisees,that have refused to get things right and at the same time preventing others from doing so. They are painted sepulchres whose inner and outer appearances or configurations are in fierce opposition.

The culmination of all their actions is sincere confusion to those that are eager and willing to change. Unfortunately, many so-called christians have only succeeded in confusing the sinners who now think that they are also christians by virtue of the similarities in their actions and lifestyles.

May God help our 'worldly' church and 'churchy' world!


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