World Sight Day --Is Blindness Better?

I once read about a man that was born blind, who seriously desired to use his eyes,for the first time, just like others. He was troubled and tormented by his curiosity to see and observe the so-much-spoken-about beautiful environment and world at large, including man and other created and man-made things that occupied it.

His desire was to have a glimpse even if it means having a faint view or seeing with only one of his eyes. Imagine a man in such an unfortunate condition without the idea of when there will be a change in the status quo!

Miraculously,the man regained his sight but suprisingly, this same blind man was very disappointed, for he did not like what he finally saw. 'Is this what those with good eyes are suffering?',he asked. He preferred being blind to having good eyes for reasons best known to him.

The World Sight Day emphasizes the structures put in place to remind people of the need to make serious and relentless efforts towards preserving their visions by taking steps necessary for the reduction in the avoidable causes of blindness in the world. With 'Countdown To 2020' as the theme for this year's celebration,eye-care experts expect people, especially those in rural areas to assist by taking good care of their eyes,to reduce the high incidence of preventable blindness. This entails regular eye check-ups and a visit to only professional eye-care givers for any case of eye problem. All these are good but I want to draw our attention to something serious and important.

The things we see with our eyes have become a source of worry for the sane men and women in our 'civilized' but corrupt society. The story of the blind man became a food for thought for me as I recalled the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:29-30. Of a truth,it calls for sober reflection. In verse 29,He said,'So if your eye-even your good eye-causes you to lust,gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.'

Though that passage may be seen as a hyperbole or trying to emphasize the dire need to know how we use our body or the reality and unnatural state of hell,or anything,I began to 'envy' blind people somehow. Are you surprised?

Permit me to say at this juncture that blind people are safer from the consequences of the lusts we nurture by virtue of the detestable things our eyes see around us.Who is not seeing all the rubbish masquerading as new,latest and modern 'goodies'?

Day after day,things(especially fashion) keep evolving and continue to metamorphose, maybe to complete nudity-like in the days of Adam and Eve. What a pitiable nonsense! With the spate of this so-called civilized 'madness' called fashion,I'm afraid that many souls are in danger of making it to hell if we fail to consciously and painstakingly check what our eyes see.

Like our ears,our eyes remain the channel to our hearts and minds,where the reasonings,thoughts,emotions and decisions that make or mar us are taken. It is therefore pertinent to check the things we allow to gain entrance into our minds via our ears and eyes,because they determine our actions.

With nudity replacing clothes,let's endeavour to run for our dear lives. Our ladies,even the hypocritical,religious church-goers have sworn to dress to kill the men,who don't even remember what they have done wrong. The flaunting of one-fourth,one-third,half and even two-third of their breasts in push-up bras by ladies;wearing mini skirts that expose sensitive parts,transparent and tight-fitting wears(that outline and show the contours of the woman's 'dangerous' anatomy) and even sagging that reveals the detestable and most-times-black buttocks in men and women have become cultural in the society including our worldly churches.

Like women,even our men have refused to completely cover the body parts that should be exclusively kept private. The mind that should be used for other useful ventures now have to combat the fashion of nudity to keep the soul safe,sound and at the same time trying to save it from the ominous hell.

Our movies are not even helping matters but pouring fuel into the fire. Home videos that should be teaching tangible lessons and correcting the ills in the society have become tools for this unwarranted torment, through uncontrolled arousal of our endangered emotions. In popular demand and as cheap as possible,pornographic films are richly available for public consumption(including the children).

The eyes are good but can be tools of destruction if nothing is done to check what they see.'You are what you see and hear'.Due to the decay in morals,habits and fashion, blindness seems to be better for survival in this untoward generation.

Remember the warning in Matthew 5:29.

Still in the spirit of the celebration of the World Sight Day, let's not forget the spiritual implications of wrong use of our eyes. Like a blind man,let's close our eyes to those things that can only destroy our lives.


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