What You Need To Know About Acid Rain

Late last month,there was panic among Nigerians,as an sms was circulated that there was a possibility of an acid rain between 20 and 28 March,which may cause skin cancer if one is exposed to it.The information was attributed to National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) in the United States of America.Though there was panic in some areas of Lagos and Port Harcourt,as heavens opened its bowels,releasing what people feared was the rumoured acid rain,within the said period in March,there has not been any form of rain in the eastern region of the country,where I reside.

Some people have refused to accept the information.Others have so much dreaded the rain.Even a meteorologist at the NASA,an independent agency of the United States government responsible for aviation and spaceflight,described the reports that acid rain will fall as untrue and false.Irrespective of these controversies,there seems to be the reality of the existence of the much dreaded acid rain.

Acid rain is a popular term referring to the deposition of wet(rain,snow,sleet,fog and cloudwater,dew) and dry(acidifying particles and gases)acidic components.A more accurate term is 'acid deposition'.Distilled water,once carbondioxide is removed has a neutral PH of 7.Liquids with a PH less than 7 are acid and those with a PH greater than 7 are bases.Acid rain is the rain or any other precipitation that is usually acidic,that is elevated levels of hydrogen ions(low PH).Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1853 when the English chemist,Robert Agnus invented the term.From them till now,acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers.

Acid rain,one of the most important environmental problems of all cannot be seen.It is caused by the invisible gases from automobiles or coal-burning power plants.The most important gas which leads to acidification is sulphur oxide.Natural phenomena like the emissions from volcanoes contribute.Other biological processes that occur on land,in wetlands and in oceans play a role.Most sulphur oxide(SO2) comes from power plants that use coal as fuel.These plants emit 100million tons of sulphuroxide,70% of that in the world.Because S02 does not react with most chemicals found in the atmosphere,it can travel long distances.Eventually,if it comes in contact with ozone or hydrogen peroxide,it can be converted to sulphur trioxide.Sulphur trioxide can dissolve in water,forming a dilute solution of sulphuric acid.SO2 and nitric oxide form the anthropogenic causes.

Experts say that a dark ring around the moon is an indication of a bad weather which can make any rain within that period acidic.

Acid rain has been shown to have adverse effects on forest,freshwaters and soils,killing insects and aquatic life-forms,as well as causing damage to buildings and having impacts on human health.It can kill aquatic animals,denature microbes in the soil.Mobile toxins such as aluminium can leach away essential nutrients and minerals.It can damage forest and cause cancer in humans.It can damage buildings and historic monuments, especially those made of rocks such as limestone and marble,containing large amounts of calcium carbonate.The metals contained in acid rain can find their way into drinking water,crops or animals that we eat.When ingested in big quantities,such pollutants can lead to nerve and brain damage.It has been considered that acid rain could cause Alzheimer disease.

Poland,Scandinavia(both in eastern europe),United States and Western Canada have significant impact.Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand,South Africa,India,Sri Lanka,Ghana,Togo and Nigeria are potential problem areas in future.

Using coal with low sulphur content by power plant companies can curb the menace.Sulphur cleaning scrubbers and fluidized bed combustion can also help.Car pooling and driving our car only when necessary can greatly reduce gas emission on the long run.Newer sources of energy have to be sought too.

The reduction of acid rain will require a strong commitment from industrialized communities.The problem needs to be considered seriously and laws have to be reinforced to lower the rate of gases emission.The control and elimination of acid rain require a joint and collective effort.


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