Facebook And My Observations

In the note,'Succeeding Through Social Networking,'Rise Risenewtorks exposed and emphasized the need to define the essence of our presence on social networks such as facebook,twitter,myspace,ning and the likes.Rise said that our puerile behaviours on those networks,actually paint the real picture of who we are and that it sells us in the manner we don't want to be bought.

Mark Zuckerberg,an atheist,born on May 14,1984 gave birth to facebook,then at thefacebook.com.He's an American Entrepreneur and the youngest billionaire according to Forbes.At that time,he was a sophomore at the prestigious Havard university.The name for facebook came from the publications that some colleges pass out to students at the beginning of the year,called a Facebook.It was created as a way for Mark and other Havard students to keep in touch over the internet and get to know each other better.Facebook became popular,in just a matter of months,that it was soon opened to other colleges.By the end of the following year,it was also open to high schools.The year after that it was opened to the general interest public as long as you were 13 and older.

Facebook has attracted and united many people from different works of life.The big,the small,the rich,the poor,the business tycoons,professionals,hackers,spies,clerics,artists,the good,the bad and the ugly.In Facebook,their is an estimate of more than 400million active users from different countries.50% of these active users log on to Facebook in any given day.An average user has 130 friends.People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on facebook.There are over 160 million objects that people interact with(pages,groups and events).An average user is connected to 60 pages,groups and events and creates 70 pieces of content each month.More than 25billion pieces of content(web links,news stories,blog posts,notes,photo albums,etc)are shared each month.

The addictive Facebook has more than 70 translations available on the site.About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States while over 300,000 users helped translate the site through translations application.More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180countries come visiting while 70% of Facebook users engage with platform applications.More than 550,000 active applications are currently on Facebook platform.There are more than 250,000 websites that are integrated with Facebook platform and more than 100 million Facebook users engage with Facebook on external websites every month.

Facebook addiction has become pandemic making it difficult for people,especially the younger ones to manage their time.It is now obvious that people 'facebook' anywhere-on steering,in toilet,bathroom,during lectures,and even in church(in the presence of the Holy Spirit).It has become a crime to refuse responding to friends' updates and messages.Despite the heaviness of the site,many still flood it thus increasing and congesting the already existing traffic.Many users do not even see the need to sign out.They prefer remaining permanently available.After all,signing in and out could delay their shows.

For the more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices(phones in particular),star two(*2) is the commonest shortcut that accesses facebook once operamini loads.Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than non-mobile users.Our sophisticated phones have made access to Facebook so mobile and common that we post and update at random,both relevant and irrelevant information.Just like other social networks,Facebook has a link on almost every important and popular website.This makes it easier for facebook users to share anything they come across with their friends.News,football highlights,videos,pictures,notes,blogs and more are commonly shared.

However,Facebook has also become a platform for mediocres to chat and interact.There are users that are specialists in celebrating ignorance.Some of them are so robbed of good manners that they easily,ignorantly and uncontrollably display their pitiable personalities.Our pictures,updates,tags,notes,links and so on,paint our images for others to see.It is worthy of note!Unfortunately,some people are so carried away that the totality of their actions merely tarnish their images on facebook.Ofcourse,they just show us the stuff they are made of.I am beginning to think that some users are not even mature enough to be on the platform.That's child abuse.That is why some people are unreasonably saucy and rude even without any provocation.

Though called friends on facebook,some people can never be our friends even if we get to meet them.Personally,I allow anybody as friend because I've something for them.The unfriendly ones still play their roles on facebook though.There're cases of pretence,lying and deceit.Some people keep producing and uploading nude pictures.Haba!

Facebook keeps evolving,making things easier or difficult as the case may be.It is important for us to check what we do with the opportunity internet has offered to us.A lot of things are happening on facebook of which time will fail me to discuss.My sincere and honest advice is simple.Be yourself-I mean your good self.Even if you're not good,try to be,because that is the only way to attract good people.Be mindful of what you post and upload,not just on facebook.It is the best way to reveal your true personality

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