Gender Equality-An Erroneous Propaganda

All over the world, some women are busy canvassing for equality gender-wise, between men and women. Some of them have taken the bull by the horn, even without getting paid for their actions, to mobilize, incite and initiate other women into thinking like them. It is actually spreading like wildfire and needs quick intervention to prevent the imminent enormous consequences and complications.

It is a known fact that women are given preferential treatment in every well organised society, both in their individual homes and in the public places, but these per se are on the other hand beginning to wrought in them, the strange desire to be men in every ramification. Just to be like men, they are nurturing the idea of being in the helm of affairs, in every society where they are found. What a surreal development!

At this point, it will be ideal for me to stress that gender equality is an idea from the pit of hell.It is 'antichrist-like' in nature. Wait a minute, before you misunderstand me. Any woman that is propagating or supporting any move for gender equality, no matter how little, negligible or insignificant, the effort is, is more or less an anti-christ. The matter is as serious as I am saying it and should not at all be taken for granted.

Even though we are all humans and created by the same God, that is men and women alike, we are not the same, neither do we have the same configuration. There are clear differences. There are some very obvious, though negligible but important landmarks that distinguish the two. We have our peculiarities and unique features, ranging from organs and behavioural manifestations. These differences are probably due to our individual roles on earth. Our hormones and other God-given resources clearly draw the line of demarcation between the two genders.

Nobody can gainsay my claims that the idea of gender equality is not far from that of the anti-christ. Even the bible did not approve gender equality. Deborah's case was very rare and was not always obtainable.Taking a leaf from the Holy Bible, according to the book of 1st Timothy, chapter two and verses twelve to fifteen(1 Timothy 2:12-15), the bible delivers a clear message to all and sundry. The bible expressly says that the women should not usurp authority over the men, but should be in silence. Women should learn to adorn themselves with shamedfacedness and sobriety instead of unnecessarily competing with men in the name of gender equality.

Bible was able to give the reasons for such stance. The first being that Adam, the first man was first formed, then Eve(the first woman). Secondly, Adam was not deceived but Eve was. Even the book of First Peter, chapter three and verse seven(1 Peter 3:7), identified women as weaker vessels. What else is remaining? The popular ethics of 'ladies first!' should never be abused, misunderstood nor turned into a ridiculous weapon for undue competition with men.

Women empowerment should rather be the target of every woman. This is totally different from the devilish gender equality claims. As the former deals with the healthy ways of incorporating women into the activities of the society, the latter focuses on the total hijack of the activities of the society. As one of the MDGs, women should be empowered as much as possible, in order to make them relevant within and outside the country.

Unfortunately, some ignorant 'iron-ladies' are clamouring for gender equality, without fully knowing what they are asking for. They have supposedly floated some 'clandestine' organisations under which they carry out their dangerous plans. Their clannish attitudes towards non-members reflects the level of their desperation. It is high time they received a clamp-down.

Evidently, most broken homes around are products of gender equality propaganda. The women that used to be mousy and obedient to their husbands are beginning to claim equality. That a woman is privileged to be the president's or governor's wife does not give her the impetus to impose things on a nation or state. It does not make her to be more than a man's wife. Though everyone's right should be highly respected, the true line of demarcation betwen a man and a woman must never be removed, not even unknowingly. Women should not be intimidated nor robbed of their civil rights though. They should be given every opportunity to improve. Like men, women should acknowledge the fact that some things have been made the way they are and cannot be changed. Even if a woman is privileged to be the breadwinner of her own family, she should never forget that she is not still the man of the house. Gender equality is nothing but an erroneous claim that can never make any headway. It is surely anti-christ in nature. Men should learn to appreciate and cherish women while women should be taught to respect the leadership role of a man, despite their educational, social, financial and spiritual status.


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