'Sarapause'-The Faith Style

The joy of every woman is to become the wife of one man before they are done with their life on earth.Every lady,including the very young ones desire to be married as they go about other necessary things.It is generally believed that a woman's life is incomplete without having a man she can call her own.Obviously,married women command respect more than their unmarried counterparts in the society.

Also,a man is believed to be responsible when he gets married.Men who fail to get married 'as at when due',for whatsoever reason are regarded as persona-non-gratas among their contemporaries.When the union eventually produces an issue(especially male),the man is seen as a hero.Men and women alike are in continuous search for right partners,for a lifetime adventure,but the pressure of the process tend to tilt more to the side of the women because of the notion that their 'time' is passing away.

Like men,women were wonderfully created by God.Undoubtedly,they are wonderfully complex.Some physiological peculiarities,like their monthly menstrual cycle authenticates their uniqueness.According to the Stedman's Medical Dictionary(28th edition),menses is a periodic physiological hemorrhage occuring at intervals of 4weeks and having its source in the uterine mucous membrane;usually the bleeding is preceded by ovulation(the release of eggs) and predecidual changes in the endometrium.

Menstruation begins at Menarche and ends at menopause.

At menarche,the first menstrual bleeding starts.From both social and medical perspectives,it is often the central event of female puberty,as it signals the possibility of fertility. It is experienced at different ages.The average age of menarche has declined over the last century but the magnitude of the decline and the factors responsible remains subjects of contention.The average age of menarche is 11.75 years.

On its own,menopause is the permanent cessation of ovarian function occuring sometime before the end of the natural lifespan.Menopause usually occurs more or less in midlife,signalling the end of the fertile phase of a woman's life.The date of menopause in human females is formally medically defined as the time of the last menstrual period(or menstrual flow of any amount however very small),in women who have not had a hysterectomy(women who have their uterus removed but retain their ovaries do not immediately go into menopause,even though their periods cease.) Menopause has a wide starting range,but can usually be expected in the age of 42-58(Bucher,et al. 1930).

Medically,menopause ends the fertile phase of every woman,but suprisingly,there was a perfect example of a clear deviation in the status quo,as seen in the case of Sarah(the wife of Abraham according to the bible).This event is possible even in our time.She conceived and gave birth at a late age of about 90.The many problems that befall women in making their choices or in their matrimonial homes are due to their uncontrolled desire to beat menopause deadline and be like other women.It is an open secret that most women strive as much as possible to do just that.Menopause,which is associated with advanced age has been a thorn in the flesh of even christian ladies.

I wanted to introduce a new concept known as 'Sarapause' to my beloved christian ladies and any other woman that cares to know.Sarah was able to conceive after ninety years irrespective of any available sophisticated medical explanation or human reasoning.Genesis 17 of the Holy Bible has the story.Though Sarah and Abraham hardly believed the miracle,it eventually came to be as Isaac was born.

The unabated tussle to get hooked up even as a teenager has landed many women into a very big mess,against their initial desires.Some of them are even regretting their involvement in marriage presently. Most hearts have been broken beyond repair,as they seek to become madams.Yes,marriage is very good even in the ripe young age,but the way we go about it must me checked to maintain sanity in the God-given institution.It is never a must-do nor a do-or-die affair.A woman must not sell her pride for the price of quick marriage.Some girls that are underaged have been given out in marriage.That ofcourse is child abuse.Some only succeeded in giving away themselves for sex only to be dumped after.Men come with bogus and empty promises to lure the cheap ones away.Complete and unwavering faith in God is what every woman needs in any marriage issue.With faith,menopause becomes insignificant and 'sarapause dominates.This covers even the women that are married for a long time without any issue.Faith in God and continuous trust in Him,even in giving us our right partners and blessed children when we eventually marry is the only antidote for desperation to marry,when it comes to the issue of marriage.

I hope to hear from you.


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