What If We All Go On Strike ?

Recently, many people saw Nigeria as a failed state with their reasons. Others speculated that Nigeria will soon fail if serious measures to avert such an occurence are not taken. Whether true or false, the state of things in this nation is nothing to write home about. Instead of actively growing, Nigeria is not just static but degenerating. There are obvious markers that our country will still smell doom if nothing tangible is urgently done. God Forbid!

Many associations and groups are currently on strike, in an attempt to draw the attention of our distracted and confused government to their demands and unfavourable conditions. The PHCN workers just suspended their strike that left the entire nation in total darkness for about two days, while other nations are celebrating years of uninterrupted power supply. The effects of such action will unargueably be enormous. Services that require power will be paralysed and unavailable. Though Nigerians are used to the incessant power outage, the strike revealed another vista of the decay in the country's polity.

Resident doctors are striking and are planning to proceed on the main one come September one. No one cares. They are just asking for what belongs to them but the government is unperturbed. The consultants are already on a work-to-rule strike and are also warming up for a full-fledged strike which is to commence on 6th September. Imagine the fate of patients. People will have no choice but to move their sick relatives to other places where they may not receive good medical care because they cannot afford to pay the bills of our costly private and special hospitals.

Tanker drivers went on strike recently to bring to the notice of the government about the actions of unauthorised tanker drivers. What stops us from following due process in order to instil sanity? Infact,many people are not striking because they are 'merciful' per se. They don't want Nigeria to be seen as a failed state and a nation that does nothing to care for her citizens. Nigerians are just pretending that they are not suffering while they are actually in pains. The travails of life in Nigeria is actually getting to its peak.

Our leaders have become deaf and dumb that they are unconcerned about these issues and cannot even do anything to salvage the comatose nation.

There is the problem of gross insensitivity and I-don't-care attitude of the government at all levels. Nobody seems to be concerned about the cries, pains and desires of the masses. The populace are left at the mercies of biting hunger and debilitating ailments. Actually, nobody will want to leave his job to fold his hands at home doing nothing, in the name of strike. When they have exhausted all other options available to them- like discussions, negotiations and even warning strikes, they are left with only the decision of embarking on strikes, withdrawing their services, to the detriment of the consumers.

Tyranny is subtly increasing, though we claim to be practising democracy. This cannot be democracy! Democracy,where people find themselves in positions of authority through the back door. The electorates' vote don't count anymore as rigging has become cultural. Many people don't see the need to vote because it rarely determines who wins. Our leaders are so drunken with power that they want to put everyone into their pockets. The power of the masses is long dead. Any voice that seems to be getting loud is silenced anyhow. There is virtually nothing to put a check on all these.

The constitution on its own is weak and impotent, unable to critically address these issues. Even the ones that are clear enough are thwarted in the hands of our biased and bribed judiciary. A governor has the impetus to harass anybody without even being reprimanded. What a pitiable condition we are in ! The constitution gives undue advantages and useless protection to certain political parties and criminals. That is why we have many recidivists masquerading as our leaders.

It is high time we stood to our feet to save our dying nation. Everybody is angry with the look of things but does little or nothing about it. It will be good, if not for its strangeness, for everyone to go on strike, in protest against this massive negligence, leaving our heartless leaders to lead themselves for sometime.

Ofcourse, something more than it should be done. We have pretended enough and should decide to secure our future by force. In a couple of weeks our nation will be 50 years with nothing to boast about. What can we actually boast about? Nothing! Our experienced looters have just seen another means of fattening their uncensored bank accounts,in the name of celebration. We should rather be weeping for our deplorable state. Our concerted efforts are needed come 2011, to get those that are free from the chains of the corruption in the land. Those that are passionate about the positive change we are craving for.


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