Seek Fellowship, Not Attendance.

It takes great discipline to make out time to fellowship with one another, even in busy moments. 

Your motivation isn't the monitoring prowess of your leader, neither should it be your desire to impress a man, but a deep understanding of the benefits of koinonia. 

Sometimes, we make assumptions and hasty conclusions that a fellow whose level of attendance has dropped, is slowly backsliding, without having the knowledge of his/her predicaments. 

Having a personal cordial relationship with God is much more important than your perpetual presence in the front row of the 'church auditorium'. 

One can actually be present physically but absent and properly disconnected spiritually. 

For some, meeting God is a weekly affair; at 'special' venues, on holy days, and only effective in the midst of others. 

When you find yourself alone, in a place where meeting with others is almost impossible(like during COVID-19 lockdown), then you will realize that it takes a sincere and firm decision to remain afloat. 

Seek true fellowship, not mere presence and attendance...


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