The Fear Of The Unknown

Fear is a panic or distress caused by a sense of impending danger,pain,etc. It is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger,pain or harm. Many people are afraid without knowing what they are anxious about. Many things have happened. Enough water of varied colours has passed under the bridge. Events of different types came and have gone. Earthquakes,tsunamis,wars, great armed robbery attacks,kidnaps,suicide bombings,assassinations,economic meltdown(global recession),threatening unfavourable climatic changes,existence of more deadly diseases,political prostitution,spiritual prostitution,adverse effects of scientific discoveries,gross illiteracy,abject poverty,militancy,racism and many more. Many egregious things have occured in the past to the extent that no one knows the next one. We hear that solutions have been given existing problems only to hear again that the conditions have been worsened. In this country,we are left to sleep with our eyes wide open,waiting to respond to any impending danger. The 'freedom fighters' in the Niger-Delta region have become a thorn in the flesh of the nation. With the almost failed amnesty given to them,no one knows their next line of action. The threat by the Boko Haram to bomb four major cities in the nation is another one. The rate of abduction of people(both big or small,poor or rich) is another thing to contend with. The numerous false prophecies to leaders by some 'favour-seeking' ministers have added salt to the existing wound. The failure of the judiciary to judiciously and firmly stand for the truth especially for the poor masses is a problem. Justice now goes to the highest bidder. With the recent crisis in the banking sector,their ability to keep people's money is being questioned. The result of the audit conducted in remaining banks is not different from the previous one. The 'cooking' of account books may not have stopped. With our roads as potential 'death traps',lives are seriously in danger. Contractors do what they like without being reprimanded. Some 'ghost companies' get contracts with little or nothing done about the contracts. The democracy we claim to be practising has been flawed. It is simply the shadow of the real thing. With the recurrent hijack of ballot boxes,rigging and electoral violence,we are only forced to accept anybody. The political parties have not helped matters. Imagine a situation where a political party boasting that she will rule for sixty years. This has made them so desperate to the extent that they want to get every position by all means even when the means is against the law of the land. 'Political re-engineering' has been made the mantra of defence for 'carpet crossing'. Inability of the law-makers to pass into law bills that will aid the growth of our democracy,probably because of their personal interests. Evidently, things have fallen apart. The greatest fear is the fear of what you dont even know. Are we practising democracy or 'demo-crazy'? I may not be able to mention all. The one at hand is that of the protracted impasse between the federal government and Asuu. The deaf,dumb,blind and insensitive leaders are nothing to write home about. Over three months,students have been away from school. Imagine what will eventually come out of it. Maybe producing half-baked graduates that will be termed 'unemployable' by the same people that halted their studies. With the President,Vice-president and Minister of Education as former lecturers,one is left to wonder why things are like this. Afterall their children are unaffected in their foreign universities. Very soon,the subsidy on petroleum products will be removed leaving the individual marketers to do their worst. The services of the telecommunication firms are epileptic without any reasonable action taken against it. The promise of 6000mw of power is still a mirage. Will it be as usual? Promise and fail. Aids,swine flu,Lassa fever,Sars,cancer and others are very much dreaded. Many bodies and associations are striking because of lack of attention from the leaders. I dont know what is next on the line. Do you know? Maybe the biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. With all these with us,we are left to be afraid of the future. May God save us from the unknown.


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