IT IS NOT MY FAULT:The reason for my comments in Adepoju Paul's recent note(My Facebook Friends) and other actions of mine.

Some time ago,i was discussing something with somebody in my hostel about some controversial issues and he consciously said something. He said, 'I dont like arguing with you because you engage in christian arguments'. That was not enough for him or did not explain what he had in mind and he added,'infact you make pentecostal arguments'. I laughed and was very happy within me because of that good report. My discussions and contributions in facebook and other places may be termed 'strange' by some people but dont get offended because it is not my fault. Something caused it. In Paul's recent note,he was talking about his facebook friends but at a time he talked of 'religious' people. He mentioned people that have affected his life positively. Just as a way of going straight to the point,i was not comfortable with the way he talked of some as being religious. At a time, i questioned where he actually belongs,whether he is a christian or a pagan. That was the bone of contention. Christianity has been 'bastardized'. People are only saints right inside the church but demons as soon as they come out. On Sundays churches are filled to capacity but on monday,most people that were in the church the previous day go back to their crime. The most painful part of it is that these 'criminals' hold high positions in their churches and give 'suspicious' fat offerings. Many are very religious to the extent that you would wonder whether they have been to church before. Some are more concerned about their denominations rather than the real thing which is Christ's death for their sins. Their numerous dogmas have overshadowed their sense of reasoning,judgement and have allowed them to believe falsehood as the truth. You dont even know them by their dress codes because the more you look at their appearance,the less you see. Wait a minute,i will soon tell you why i behave the way i behave. Some people who try to abide in toto by the standards laid for us by Christ in the bible are referred to as 'fanatics' and being religious. If those people are religious,what of the 'criminals' i talked about earlier. Dont mind the way i'm sounding. I'm just trying to speak the truth in my mind. Many people only want to 'be nice' or 'do good'. Doing good does not make one accepted before God. If it is all about being nice or doing good,how much good will one do to get God's approval. God's approval comes from an encounter with with Him through Jesus Christ who is the ONLY way. It is all about being born-again by giving God a chance to completely take over our lives. Please,let everyone watch his or her life and start the race to heaven and stop getting unnecessarily concerned about those already running. Remember that christianity is all about the life of Christ(His characters and principles) but not a 'label'(wearing golden cross on the neck and fingers or Jesus-inscribed clothes). I act the way i act because of what happened to me on the 7th day of August,2004. God arrested me and initiated me into the 'brotherhood of the saints'. After that,i had to live to please God in all my actions. I became born-again and not religious. I allowed God to continue to transform me and renew my mind as i read His word. IT IS GOD'S FAULT AND NOT MINE.HE SHOULD TAKE THE BLAME. The problem we have especially in this part of the world is that we want to get the 'pleasures' of the sins we indulge in and also expect God to be with us. It is either you enjoy yourself in the world very well or you completely give your life to Christ to control. Have you now seen that it has not been my fault and will never be because i am a patriotic and law-abiding member of the brotherhood of the Saints whose principles i must imbibe,regulations i must obey,truth i must speak,character i must portray and form i must have. Dont be deceived. Who are you? What dictates your actions? Make your choice NOW!


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