...Caring For The Whole Man

Imagine a world without trees, sun,moon,animals including man and other invaluable things; a world that is just covered with water,darkness and under the eagle eye of the hovering God's Spirit. God would have decided to solely inhabit the earth,no one would have existed to ask why. Of his own volition,He thought it wise to incorporate other things that probably would make it better. Against the theory of evolution,God decided to put the things we are seeing and enjoying into place by His power-laden Word.

He began with the light,continued with the firmament,earth,seas and plants. He advanced to the great lights(Sun and Moon),with the former to rule the day and the latter to rule the night. He created the sea creatures and other beasts of the earth. All these,God said,were just good after the creation of each of them. God,with His heavenly entourage set out for the mission of making man. With the help of the moral support of the heavenly Generals,God made man in His image and after His likeness. Man was made to have dominion over other created things.

Man was blessed and mandated to be fruitful,to multiply,to replenish the earth,to subdue it and to dominate it. Infact,God personally confirmed that man was VERY GOOD as against the 'good' He used for the other things He made. Just as a very important person is received in grand style in any society,with major changes and decorations made,God took His time to make the Garden of Eden before introducing man into it. Just as a state is prepared and agog in expectation of the President's arrival,all the necessary things needed for man's survival were made available before his arrival. God provided oxygen,water,sun,flood(plants and animals) and others things needed for man's well-being.

As a matter of fact,God created man in order to relate and have fellowship with him. Man here represents males and females.God made man so as to work through him to achieve His good purpose on earth. Man's creation was solely for God's pleasure and nothing short of that. If we understand this,we'll appreciate the need and importance of holistically caring for man. Every man desires care. Whether men know it or not,they were created to live for God.

Based on these facts,man needs to be cared for,more than other created things. Man is a tripartite being,having a spirit,a soul and a body. These components of man should be cared for without even the slighest neglect. Any haphazard care for any of these parts of man can lead to the loss of the whole man.Just as the heart needs energy to pump blood through the whole body,the brain also needs its own share of the energy to be able to control the rate and force of the heart's pump action. Any compromise in the supply of energy to these two organs could be life-threatening. The same thing is obtainable when any component of man is not properly cartered for.

The spirit of man is a very important part of man.It gives life to the whole man. Without it,the body and soul cannot be together. The inspiration of God's word gives it understanding. It forms a link between God and man as well as man's soul and body.When a man dies,it returns to God,because it doesn't die. The spirit can be preserved by consciously taking care of the body and soul because whenever the body succumbs to any stress or senility,it departs. The spirit,in partnership with God's spirit bears witness of the salvation of a true christian. The word of God,prayers and fellowship with other christians sharpens the spirit.

The soul on the other hand is man himself. The soul is the part of man that actually receives pain or reward. The soul is answerable to God on the last day. It will either be condemnned or approved for eternal death or life. The soul houses the mind and memory which can be renewed via information. The surest tool for the preservation of the damnable soul is God's word.Eternal damnation is the peak of the soul's suffering. Ofcourse,you should know that the soul cannot die but live eternally.

The body is the last and not the least. It serves as a container for the soul and the spirit.The body dies,returning to the dust-its precursor. Men and women take care of this part more than the aforementioned parts,in terms of cosmetics usage and medications. This part can't actually be born-again. It needs to be constantly pommeled because it is the enemy of the spirit and soul.Just as the other two,it is useful in its own special way.Equilibrium should be maintained in the care of man so as to preserve God's pleasure. Proper medication is good,no matter the cost and extent to which the health workers can go. The major work of preserving the soul for eternity,done with the raw and uncontaminated word of God, should never be overlooked. Let's endeavour to offer the much we can in caring for any man that comes our way.

NB--Good health without the hope of eternal life is catastrophic.

...May your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless...(1 Thess. 5:23).Amen


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