Christianity Is All About Faith

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us the assurance about things we cannot see. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen, as against the erroneous claims of Darwin's evolution theory. Faith is an important,indispensable ingredient in christianity. None of them can exist without the other.

A critical look into other religions shows the dominance of the act of faith, starting from Islam, ATR(African Traditional Religion) or paganism to Buddhism. Faith serves as a link between the worshippers and the worshipped. A christian has faith in God,a muslim in Allah, a pagan in Amadioha, a Buddhist in Buddha(Gantama Siddhartha) and so on. Obviously, it is strange to say that you are a part of a religion without demonstrating common faith in the deity you are to worship. It can drive anyone into concluding anything based on your actions.

>Every religion is unique perse, due to the convictions,beliefs,attitudes and vocabulary of its members. You will agree with me that that is a visible demarcating line. What then happens when those visible manifestations are absent? It simply portrays non-conformity to the standards of such a religion, either due to lackadaisical and lacklustre attitude towards obeying the teachings of the religion or reckless abandon. It could also be a product of complete withdrawal from the religion and its teachings/beliefs. When none of these is present, any member of any religion should ordinarily be a representative and ambassador of that religion.

Moreso, most religions have special books that contain and teach their doctrine. For the christian, it is the Holy Bible, for the muslim,the Koran. As a matter of commitment and loyalty,every member of any selected religion should accept the book as the final arbiter in the matters of life and faith. Any contrary view is usually opposed and counted as inimical to the growth and sustainance of such a religion. Unfortunately,there are people who claim to be members of these religions without giving ear to what these books say. That has left us with a mixed multitude and nobody knows the true identity of his neighbour. By intuition, it could be observed that such people are not here or there. But there can never be any sitting on the fence.

Back to christianity. Christianity is not just a religion. Its intricacies transcends that of mere religion. It is a life to be lived. It is a lifestyle. It is all about the life of Jesus Christ,the only Son of God,who came to this earth some thousand years ago, lived a sin-free life, died for the sin of mankind and went back to heaven. Ofcourse,He'll come back to take the saints to heaven. His purpose for coming was to reconcile mankind to God so that anyone who believes in what God did through Christ will no longer live in sin and under the yoke of satan,but will live by his faith in Christ. Take note of this! The life a christian lives is in his faith in Christ and not that in his ability or self-righteousness.

It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him(Hebrews 11:6;NLT). You cannot hope for what you have already seen. It is your desire to get that which you have not seen that keeps you believing and trusting. I don't know whether anyone living has seen God? If yes,the person may not as well decide not to bother himself with obeying God's commands. Do you continue reading your books, if the certificate for the course you are reading has been given to you? Ofcourse not!

>I know that christians are meant to believe in the God that lives in the 3rd heavens,the God of Abraham,Isaac,Jacob and Nkemjika. Faith connects us to Him. We believe in His ability to do wonders, kill and make alive. We also believe in His ability to deliver us from whatsoever problem and miraculously make a saint from an experienced sinner. We believe in the God that created the world and everything therein.

It is wise to say that christianity is a mere shadow without faith. Why then is the church inundated with so-called christians, who claim that they love God without anything to show it. They doubt His existence and unlimited abilities. It is true that we can't claim to be christians if we fail to have faith in God. It is better for one to choose where he/she belongs and strictly keep to the rules.True christianity is independent of church affiliation.It is neither a label nor a cover. If you prefer being an atheist,a free-thinker,a pagan or any of such sects, I suggest that you publicly declare it for your own good. This will give room for any help that may come you way.

There is no sitting on the fence, indifference does sell in this matter.We must be identified for something. It's time we made our right choices to avert regrets.


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