The Ugly Inheritance

In life, people face miscellaneous challenges and are often visited by serious problems, some of which they orchestrated and others coming without invitation. In each case, plans are urgently made to solve the problems despite their knotty nature.Problems seem to be a part of life,as they constantly raise their ugly heads in the affairs of men, seeking undeserved attention. At the long run, these problems make or mar their host, depending on the way they were managed or handled.

Just as parents bequeath possessions to their children,some problems are consciously or unconsciously transfered to the younger generation,who keep struggling with them,until they are eventually figured out and addressed. Evidently,many people are suffering due to what they know little or nothing about. I want to bring to our notice,one of such things. This one has the ability to affect and even destroy everyone born on planet earth.

In the beginning, a problem was born and genetically transferred to everyone that surfaced afterwards. It calls for serious concern but needs to to be first understood.

The creation story tells us about the Garden of Eden,where the first man lived.God intentionally and specially constructed the garden for man's comfort. He expertly designed it,introduced everything necessary for man's survival before bringing in our ancestors; Adam and his darling wife,Eve.They were properly guided and adequately instructed on how to live in their new home.God made it simple,they were just warned to stay away from the tree at the centre of the garden but permitted to do anything they wanted with every other thing provided in the garden.

God stressed that disobedience to that instruction would attract death and He meant it.It was not part of the jokes He cracked with them all the time He came visiting.It was a serious matter. Unfortunately,the first man eventually disobeyed God by becoming the first victim of the devil's subtle deception. He became God's enemy and was tagged 'sinner' due to that single act of disobedience.God told him to vacate the garden which He sealed till date. Man became separated from God due to his disobedience.

Hear me! After that event,everyone born of a woman took a share of the sin. As Adam and his wife procreated,everyone that was born got into the same mess of sin. Cain, Abel,,me and all of us got into trouble due to that careless disobedience. It may interest you to know that everybody born into this world took a share of the sin. Even a child that is born today or the one that will be born tomorrow are not exempted. There was no innocent person anymore. Everyone got infected with the infectious sin. I'll prove my point to you.

Just like any other infectious disease,sin remains infectious. It seems to have a genetic explanation and attachment. Man's genome become mutated by disobedience resulting in the development of the gene of sin. The gene became dominant,taking over man's actions,thoughts,decisions and other parts of man. It became a part of man's nature. It corrupted everything about man like the terrible virus.

In Psalms 51:5,the bible says that man was shapen in sin and in sin did our mothers conceive us. NLT says,'For I was born a sinner-yes,from the moment my mother conceived.' Also Romans 5:12 says,'Wherefore,as by one man sin entered into the world,and death by sin; and so death passed upon men,for that all have sinned.' NLT puts it this way,'When Adam sinned,sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death,so death spread to everyone,for everyone sinned.' You may read Romans 5:12-21 for more.

At this juncture,it should be clear that EVERYONE SINNED due to one man(Adam). The sin put everyone's name in the death list. This implies that everyone after Adam became eternally doomed for destruction. Even if your father is a bishop,you are not exonerated. No matter the level of good christian upbringing received by anyone,the nature of sin remained unaffected. No one wanted it or bargained for it but we all came into existence to meet it.

Sin is the ugly inheritance.

It became an incurred problem but not a death sentence. God provided a way out for everyone who desires to be free from its atrocious grip. After all,we were created in the image of God and for His pleasure. This made Him to send His only begotten Son to die for the sin of mankind,including the unborn. By one man(Adam),sin came and by another(Christ),sin was to be removed. Christ paid the price for our freedom on the cross. Our little contribution is the recognition of our sinful nature,not just our purported self-righteousness or good needs. Whenever a tangible change occurs within,there is always a commensurate outward show of its manifestation and authenticity.

Christ Jesus is and remains the only source of salvation from sin. Salvation is the deliverance of a person from a group of people that have been doomed for destruction due to unbelief. What are you waiting for?

Be wise dearie!


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