Are You Ready To Die? ~1~

My Friends,let me ask you all a question. What if your doctor told you that you only had 6months to live? How would you spend those last 6months of your life here on earth? When I ask most people this question when witnessing to them,the majority of them tell me,'well,I'd spend those last 6months getting my personal things in order. Then I'd want to do things I've always wanted to do like sky dive,climb a mountain,travel and spend time with my wife and kids.' Now...I follow that question up with another question,only this time,I ask,'what if you knew,positively,absolutely-for sure-that you would die in just one day-twenty four hours from now? How would you spend those last 24hours of your life here on earth. The same people,then tell me,'Gee,I'd spend those last 24hours contacting friends,family members,even the ones I've estranged from,and other loved ones I may have hurt in the past,or who may have hurt me,just to tell them I love them. And I'd meditate and pray.' So,why,I wonder,the big 'turnaround' in their priorities from 6months to 24hours? Did you know that approximately 232,876 people around the world die everyday? That's correct-every 24hours 232,876people leave this earth. For eternity! Now if 232,876 people die everyday(on average),then how many people die per second? Well,232,876 divided by 24hrs=9703 people die every hour,9703 divided by 60minutes=161 people did every minute. 161 divided by 60seconds=2.6(we'll say two[2]) people die every second. Can you imagine this? 2 people die in this world every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year! It's adds up to 85,000,000people a year. There are an estimated 6 billion people! The average life expectancy of a person is estimated to around 70yrs of age. With all the natural disasters,people smoking,global aids epidemic,terrorism,drug overdoses,liquor related deaths,accidents,murders,deaths,war etc-I'm sure the average expectancy is much lower. Visit a cemetery sometime and you'll be suprised how many people have died at a much younger age.(At the hospital where I work,part of my duties include taking deceased persons to the morgue,and believe it or not,about half of them were between 45 and 65years old!). Nevertheless,let's suppose that the average person lives to be 70years old. 6,000,000,000 divided by 70 equals 85,714,285. This means that 85,000,000 people,on average ,die every year. If we divided 85,000,000 by 365days in a year,this means an average of 232,876 people are dying everyday in this world. Are you shocked? You'd never think from listening to the daily news that so many were dying. I've never heard anything like this on radio or TV,but it's a fact. Everyday in this world 232000 people fulfil their appointment with death. Could you imagine reading the frontpage of a newspaper and seeing something like-'232000 people dead!'? It happens every single day my friend! The reason you'll never see something like this is because it isn't glamorous. People like to hear about the one person who was shot to death,or the CEO that jumped out of his office window. This news media isn't interested in how many people are dying around the world. There are natural deaths occuring all over the earth every second,24hrs a day,but we never hear of them. Deaths resulting from crime,war,disease and starvation,disaster,sickness,injury,poison are seldom heard of from other countries. We only hear of the tip of the ice-berg! You can't disagree with the math! 6,000,000,000 people will all be dead in 100yrs!(ok may be 99.9%). How many people live to be 100? Not many! By dividing 70 into 6,000,000,000,we found that 85,000,000 humans will die every year on average(more or less from year to year,but all will be dead in approximately 70yrs). We also found that dividing 360days into 85,000,000 means that an average of 232000 humans die everyday....To be continued.


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