Captain Cornelius: A Nice Guy

Cornelius simply means Sun-Beam. His story can be found in the Holy Bible,precisely in the tenth chapter of the book of 'Acts of the Apostles'.He was a captain of Italian Regiment(cohort or regiment of about 555 infantry and 66 cavalry).He was the captain of 100men in the Roman army.He and his house were the first gentiles to hear the gospel since pentecost. Until then,it didn't occur to the church that anyone could be saved unless he was circumcised and kept the law of moses. This fallacy would have continued if God had not intervened and convinced Peter and through him all other apostles. He was a devout man who venerated God and trusted Him with reverential obedience. He was well spoken of by the whole jewish nation,just,upright,had right standing with God. That was also the case with his household. He gave much alms to people and prayed regularly to God. It's quite interesting! Cornelius was a nice guy with a conglomeration of these qualities in his coffers. He was devout,pious,or dutiful to religion.He was devoted to the law,wanting to keep every law as his religion demanded. Let us x-ray those qualities.He feared God just as everyone does. Demons as well as unsaved men fear God. The fear of God source from the knowledge of His ability to do wonders for men. He gave much alms. Pharisees did this and yet rejected salvation. One may give all he has and be lost. Philanthropy is in no way the yardstick for measuring ones closeness to God.He prayed always. Do you know that men even pray in hell but it avails not.Sinners and hypocrites pray often. Because prayer is a channel to God,men keep seeking help from Him.He saw visions. Many unsaved men and women saw vision that did not save them. Nebuchadnezzar's vision is a good example.Cornelius was just in the eye of men. The verdict of men may not always match God's. Being just in the eyes of men is somehow hydra-headed. It has good and bad sides. He had a good reputation of men. Evidently,that should be the case with a man that is just in the eyes of men. He was fasting. Hypocrites did this weekly. Even muslims do it regularly. Everyone does it. Despite all those qualities,God needed to send Peter to Cornelius for an assignment. One can easily say that Cornelius was normal and healthy in every area,needing nothing. God saw it differently. He wouldn't have told Cornelius to send for Peter if everything was perfect. At the command of God in a clear vision,Peter followed the messengers from Cornelius without doubt about its legality or any discrimination,hesitation,objections or misgivings. At Peter's arrival,Cornelius and his invitees that included his relatives and intimate friends were already seated. Cornelius made obeisance and paid worshipful reverence to Peter upon seeing him. That must have stemed from his shallow and less thorough knowledge of christian principles. Cornelius and his household were not different in character per se. Peter's assignment was simple-to help them become christians by preaching the gospel to them. Peter gradually communicated the message of God's saving grace to that household. In simple terms,he said that anyone who believes in God[who adheres to,trusts in and relies on Him,giving himself up to Him]receives forgiveness of sins through His name. Cornelius was just a nice guy. People often use the word 'nice' to justifiably describe people they rarely know.To be nice is just to be kind and friendly,pleasant,enjoyable and attractive. For crying out loud,being nice is not even one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.One may not be nasty but does not know God.Even Samuel was actually serving God without knowing(having an encounter) with the God he was serving. Cornelius was saved and baptized. He needed an encounter with God which he got.All the good things you do to people may not attract God's attention.Even if it does,it does not show the existence of a relationship with God.Doing good is okay but how much 'good' will one do to initiate a relationship with God. Look inwards and check if you are just nice. You could be making a very costly assumption by thinking that Jesus is with you while He is not.Mary and Joseph made that mistake. Check well and be sure. Dont just be nice.Make Jesus the Lord of your life and the Saviour of your Soul. Endeavour to live the life of Christ. I LOVE YOU.


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