Women: Wonderful Creatures

Genetics teaches that the X-chromosome(representing the female) of the sperm cell outlives the Y-chromosome that represents the male.This shows that even in that small form,females are strong.I also learnt that all the mitochondria present in every human cell are solely donated by the woman(by the egg during the process of fertilization).Can you take that? Fortunately,the mitochondrion is the 'power house' of the cell,providing almost,if not all,the energy needed by the body for optimum performance.Women are wonderful.Though naturally weak per se,they're strong. Many things about them make them unique and indispensable on earth.Far back in the garden of Eden,God made her from man.The man was carrying the male and female qualities within before the surgery that brought the woman out.It will be wrong to think that the men and women are similar.They are more in number,accounting for about 52% of the world's population even though Nigeria's record is different. There are about 1.014men for each woman on earth.They are the vessels through which the command of multiplication is being achieved.It means that every human except Adam came and will still come from them.They bargain alot,even if they dont need the item. If they see a purse that is almost exactly like the one they already have,but has been marked down 75%,they are going to most likely buy it because they think,they saved money on it.Most women,no matter the size are always going to be insecure about something about their body. It could be their weight,face,legs,the chest size or anything. Inferiority complex creeps in.This has led many into things that make them unnatural. It is believed that their eyes are 'sharper' than that of men,making them see clearer and brighter(especially colours). Women hate to be ignored,especially by their significant others. Even if one is occupied with other things,paying attention to them is still needful. Women like looking at men,just as much as men like looking at women.They just know how to hide it better. Do you know that a Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee.The two highest IQs ever recorded(on a standard test) both belong to women. Women are never wrong. Apologizing is the man's responsibility. The average number of items in a typical woman's bathroom is 437. A man would not be able to identify most of these items. Women always overpack for trips. Even if they are simply going on an overnight trip,they will pack enough clothes and accessories to get them through at least 3-4days.The so-called invisible and potent 'power of a woman' can do wonders. Their tears are irresistible and guaranteed to breakdown the hardest of resistances and melt the 'stoniest' hearts. When a woman is crying,she is opening up completely before you and trust you enough for it. Women are always out to reform everyone. They give sermons on all vices and tell you how to reform to be a 'better' person. And will be hurt if you dont wanna change. When a woman smiles,she really smiles. No pretences,she smiles from her heart and speaks with her eyes. It is lovely how most women manage to hear you out for hours.They never pass judgements.They never say you are wrong(even if you have behaved like the worst jerk in the world). And when you ask for their opinion,they give it without managing to make you feel a worm. They criticize without wounding. When women forgive,they really forget. They dont dig out the heavy artillery even when they have the best opportunities to do so.They claim to have the ability of doing better anything a man can do. Due to their nature,they get most of the available jobs,maybe due to their supposed inability to cheat and ability to attract customers. Though they are to be loved,their part is to totally submit to their husbands' goodwill. They tend to take more time discussing the issue of marriage which gives men the impression that they are 'marriage-minded'. Their tiny and soft voices can act as soothing ointments. With patience and endurance,they carry their babies for nine months. They complement the men which is summarized in the popular saying that 'beside any successful man,their is a supportive woman'. Though not much in the political arena,their contributions to development are enormous.With the nature of the contour of their body anatomy,they lure men.They have a role to play in preventing men from misbehaving sexually.Infact,they can kill if they fail to do so.Their monthly hormonal changes and cycle make them unique.They cannot be neglected in the society.They attract favour to those that understand them.The prayers of husbands cant get answers without their agreement.They are to be cherished and not to be regarded as 2nd class citizens.With their culinary expertise,they care for men's stomachs.Their sense of hospitality is superb.Despite these good virtues,some are 'thorny' for the liking of anybody.Some are mischievous and rude.I lack words.Lady,are you also wonderful?


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