Becoming A Child

A child is a young human being who IS NOT an adult. A child is also a person who is STRONGLY INFLUENCED by the ideas and attitudes of a particular time or person. It may interest you to know that we were all made to become 'children' and not just children but children of our Father. One becomes what he/she is not. For instance,a student becomes a graduate after going to school,an illiterate person becomes literate after being under a professional's tutelage. For a better vista of this,it will be good to know that for an illiterate person to become literate,there was a sort of transformation brought about by a higher external force. The transformation on it own cannot take place without the presence of the one to be transformed,it requires the person's availability and consent. Though we are adults by age,there is the need for the positive transformation that will give birth to 'children' with child-like minds and hearts. Jesus in His speech made a captivating but conditional statement in the bible(Matthew 18:3) in an attempt to answer His disciples. He said,'Verily I say unto you,except ye be converted and become as little children,ye shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.' This is a very important and interesting aspect of christianity. Jesus clearly gave the condition for entering into the kingdom of Heaven. The way to heaven is summarized in that verse of the scripture. First,the verse has a condition attached to it which is proven by the presence of the word 'EXCEPT'. Jesus talks about BEING CONVERTED. Conversion is simply a change of direction,right about face,a U-turn,or a new walk with God. Conversion is preceded by REPENTANCE(which is just the fact of showing that you are sorry for something wrong that you have done). Almost everyone has experienced repentance. Our consciences convict us very often and we tend to feel remorseful after an evil deed. Even criminals feel this but it just ends in shedding 'crocodile tears'. In conversion,there is a total abandonment of past sins and their sources. In this stage,one is expected to hate sin with perpetual hatred,become very sensitive to the minutiest one and avoid it. There should be a change of environment,attitudes,sense of reasoning,friends and everything. More people have crossed this stage. The final step is simply 'becoming a child'. Only very few have crossed this stage. Becoming a child entails following God sheepishly-being able to completely obey Him without any iota of disobedience or rebellion. Though the steps are continuous,there should be total yielding and the need to make oneself available for the miraculous transformation. There are many characters of a child(lacking in today's christians)that we need to imbibe. Becoming a child is NOT being CHILDISH but CHILD-LIKE,having the heart of a child. A good child listens attentively to his parents and can easily be directed in any issue. Is that your attitude? A child follows sheepishly. When erring,a child can be punished as a way of re-directing him or her. We should allow God to direct us even when we dont like His opinion. The Father carters for His child and His 'adult'. Some people are in their present condition because they think that they have grown and can fully take care of themselves. We've become 'adults' thus making God unable to take care of us. A child can easily forget a wrong committed against him or her without bearing grudges. A child does not make enemies. A child accepts anything from a trusted father. A child loves the father sincerely and not just in words.These qualities and many more are found in a child's life. To cut the long story short,God is looking for those He'll care for as His own children. Being a child demands trusting God completely to help us in every aspect of life. It demands a close relationship with God. A Father-Son relationship with God is ideal and the best thing that can happen to anybody. What are you waiting for? Why not repent,get converted and hand yourself over to Him to make you His child. Remember that God needs your consent and availability before doing this good job in you. Just give Him a chance because it is the ONLY PASSPORT to Heaven!!!


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