Are You Ready To Die? ~2~

Now let's say that one in ten people are genuine born-again Believers. We are clearly told in Matthew 7:14 that few people ever make it to heaven! 'Because strait is the gate,and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life,and few there be that find it'(Matthew 7:14;Luke 13:23,24). Also,Luke 12:7 tells us,-'But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered..'If I had just a dime every time I heard someone say ,'Gee,life is so short',I'd be a multi-millionaire,and I'm sure you would too. Additionally,did you know the average(adult 18yrs and older) heart beats 72times a minute? That comes to 4320times an hour! or 103,680times per day!! It's very sobering when you think about it. Every 24hrs,your heart beats 103,680times!! What we do not know,however,is which of those 103,680 heartbeats will be our last!! How tragic! How horrible! Honestly,I would be very surprised if more than one out of every hundred people are truly saved and on their way to heaven! Since becoming saved,I've often contemplated what wonderful world this truly would be,if everyone lived each day,as it were their last-because it just might be!! It doesn't matter how much money and possessions we have(or dont have);Matthew 6:19-21 tell us;lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal:but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven,where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,and where thieves do not breakthrough nor steal. For where your treasure is,there will your heart be also.' I've also wondered. What if...we could bring back a loved one who died,and we could re-live those last 24hrs with them. Would we talk to them differently(if we had talked at all to them)? Would we tell them how much we,infact,do love them? Now,obviously,we cannot 'force' loved ones to communicate with us. All we can do is extend an 'olive-branch',then,should choose to hold on to their animosity-so be it. It's in God's hands;and all we can do is continue to love and pray for them. The number of people which die everyday can't be denied! Matthew 7:14 clearly teaches that only a 'few' people will enter into Heaven. As I mentioned,I'd be surprised if more than 1% of the population are born-again believers. If you dont believe the Bible,them you had better hope to God that you are right:if you believe the bible 'just enough' to obey it and call upon the saving name of Jesus Christ for salvation and forgiveness of sins-you will be safe! We all must die and it is guaranteed that we're not going to escape death. It is just a matter of time! Prepare to meet thy God! Salvation is not found in religion,but in a person-JESUS CHRIST! My own family (with the exception of my parents)have opted not to communicate with me since I got saved,and have let me know,in no uncertain terms that they want to have nothing to do with me,and I'm not to contact them,(which I will respect,and will continue to respect,unless and until they advise me otherwise. Ok,fine. But...they cannot prevent me to continue loving them,and praying for their salvation,as long as I am still here on earth! So friends,I know absolutely,positively,100% that I am ready to go 'home' to be with my Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ,when He decides to call me 'home'. How can I be so sure? Simple. I'm saved,and am now a child of Christ,and Jesus Himself tells us in John 14:2; 'in my Father's house are many mansions:if it were not so,I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 'Praise be His Holy Name!!! In conclusion,then,friends allow me to be the first to step up to the place. May the Peace,Love,Grace and Protection of our Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ,be with you always! ......THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN BY PASTOR MIKE OF ALL SOULS I-NET CHURCH OF CHRIST.


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