The Day Of Reckoning

As I look around me,I see many strange things happening,all pointing to the end of this present life.

The thought of eternity ignites my fear and passion to unrelently forge ahead in this earthly race.

I started thinking about life after death and it occured to me that everybody born of a woman,breathing and doing one thing or the other for sustainance will live for eternity. It is the desire of everybody to live long.

Anybody can live for seventy years,eighty years,hundred years or even two hundred years but after everything death has a way of intervening.

Another suprising and mysterious thing about this is that some die few seconds,hours or days after birth. Some die in the womb,others die as teenagers,some die as adults. People of different age brackets die and are never seen again. Have you seen any dead man living again,if not for some insignificant few allowed by God?

At this point,lets forget about death because it will definitely come knocking anyday. God can decide to give you more years as He did to Nehemiah who died fifteen years after his plea for more years. By now,you should not be afraid of death.

My focus is nothing but eternity. It is obvious that I will die but will eternally live after this phase of life.

Everybody will leave eternally. Do you agree with me? Though the body will go back to the earth,the spirit and soul will remain immortal and will return to God for judgement.

We all are destined to live boundless,endless,everlasting,infinite,limitless,timeless,unlimited,undying,relentless,immutable,immortal and perpetual lives.

This is true. The life we are to live has no beginning or end,it exists outside of time. This means that this present life is just a very insignificant fraction-an infinitesimal and microscopic negligible part of the life we will live beyond this earth.

Evidently, this present life is just a preparatory phase of the 'main eternal life.'

But this eternal life has two types-the painful type and the joyful type. As some people will be in perpetual comfort, others will be in perpetual pain.

The thin line of separation between the two groups is judgement. How I wish you will take time to cogitate about eternity,the journey without an end. The difference between the two groups of people for eternity is just their decisions that affected their actions.

The kind of life one lives can either make or mar him or her. It is the determining factor. With the consciousness that our life after here has no end,let us begin to consider our ways,whether they be good or bad.Sin is simply ANYTHING short in the standard of God's principles-no more,no less.

Sin simply means 'simple instructions neglected.'Just decide where and how you would want to live eternally. We will be giving account of everything done on earth.Hell or Heaven,where do you prefer?


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