'Our Church'

I have been away for a long time from the internet due to my tight schedule. I have been reading for my ongoing examination. Sleepless nights and midnight candles have taken over for some time now. I hadn't time for myself not to talk of other necessary things. I was priviledged to visit someone today but ended up being offended-just because of denominational claims. I cannot because of public opinion decide to swallow an obvious 'rubbish'. People have resorted to deceiving themselves by just hiding under the umbrella of denomination. People are quick to claim that they are members of a particular popular church denomination but are mere 'noisemakers' with little or nothing to show the impact of God's word in their lives. I visited a 'church' in Owerri recently just to worship God and fellowship with others with a friend of mine and someone came up later to say,'You came to our church.' He could be right by making that statement but an x-ray of what he actually meant will leave your surprised. 'Church' is not the physical magnificent structure seen on every corner of the streets. I have a problem with people who are just 'denominational' in nature. Those who strongly hold on to the dogma of their so-called 'church'. Denominational claims have put new comers into confusion that they only end up thinking that they are mere 'persona non grata' in the new environment. Imagine a situation where you came into a 'worship centre',your father's house to worship Him only to be taken as a total stranger in the midst of others. It is quite appalling. In this generation we need people who have the right understanding of what church is and not just 'denominational claimers.' Even though there must be denominational differences for the sole sake of identification,we should not allow it to enter our heads. Infact,some people prefer hiding under the umbrella of denomination even when there is need for them to do the right things. Some have followed the denominational crowd to go astray-it is a pity. To cut the long story short,I want to let people understand what the church is and those that make it up. The church is the conglomeration of 'saved'(born again) men and women who came together to worship God and help each other to make heaven,and not just our 'tall' cathedrals. Infact,people should start being interdenominational. Some people have refused to accept the simple 'truths' of the bible because they have refused to leave denomination alone. When one thinks that he is the only one getting it right or going to heaven,there is a problem. Time has gone when people say 'I was born here and will die here.' A right thinking individual should be able to give room and accommodate others even when he thinks they are wrong. Thank God that I can comfortably walk into any 'worship centre' just to worship God without minding the discouraging behaviours of the people there.Denominational claim is nothing but an EMPTY RELIGION.


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