Difference Makers

We are in a society where you may not be able to differentiate between a mad man and a mechanic.

Everybody is a saint. I get suprised when I see people trying to deceive others around them. We are in this unfavourable state because we have a very few or no men and women of integrity. To make a difference is to have an effect on something or somebody. I am not just talking about any difference but a positive one. Positive difference entails seeing things change for good in any given environment. Positive change starts from a positive change of heart and habits. Before we talk about difference,some people should be seasoned enough to stand and effect the needed change even in the midst of great opposition.

How many people see telling lies,giving and receiving bribe,or any act of corruption as a hinderance to any positive change? Instead, we have a crop of people that have accepted evil as a normal way of life.

It is a pity because any place where there is no integrity,corruption dominates.

How many pastors are really serving those kept in their custody? How many leaders are really representing? How many christians are really ambassadors of Christ? Please respond!

Imagine a situation where a supposed patriotic citizen of a nation is always against almost everything going on in his country without noticing the good ones. Difference makers see both the good and bad aspects of a thing. That will eventually help them to strike a balance and consequently proffer workable solutions to them.

Difference making does not demand covering a large area at a time. It demands approaching things gradually. This means that one needs to start from his or her small corner-the microcosm of the larger society.

But how can you make a difference if you are not different? This is the crux of the matter. Men and women should position themselves to accept change and pass it on to others. Without mincing words,it will be difficult for one to be different without the impact of God's word together with an encounter with Christ-just believe me! This looks bitter but definitely a therapeutic truth. How can you treat your neighbour without any reverence or respect for God? A healthy relationship with your fellow man stems from a healthy relationship with God. God is still in the business of making difference makers.

Education,penance and religion failed us. Hypocrisy is now the order of the day.

Men and women have made themselves chameleons,being able to rapidly change so as to adapt to both good and bad environments. If you love me and I love you sincerely,we'll not think of harming ourselves. We should put hands together to build our society. Difference makers are neither experts nor professionals but disciplined individuals who have nothing to do with 'African Time.' Their 'yes' or 'no' cannot be doubted because they are trustworthy. Difference makers lead exemplary lives. They are outstanding in the society and 'envied' by people. Some people dont even trust themselves of having the ability to bring about any positive change. They have accepted the status quo and refused to be different. Let us not forget that two wrongs cannot make a right. It is only a positive change of mentality,change of heart and attitude that will earn us the desired difference.

Examine yourself and see if you are different. What differentiates a sinner from a christian in the church? ....just check please.

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