'The Steeple-Chase'

It was more than just an exam. It was actually a race. Steeple-chase is supposed to be a long race in which horses have to jump over fences,water et cet-era or a long race in which people run and jump over gates and water,et cet-era around a track. This is all about the practical exam I took yesterday. It was an anatomy practical exam. Before then,I heard people call it 'steeple-chase' but did not know that it was the actual name of the exam. It was an interesting 'race' indeed,with many 'fences' to cross. There was a track. Everyone maintained a straight line,with each person standing exactly posterior to his colleague. There was a time keeper with his stopwatch and bell for time regulation. Every participant(the students) wore a laboratory coat tagged with his or her matriculation number. I was one of the contestants. The about sixty 'hurdles' were arranged in such a way that you have to 'jump' each one or loose some points. They were actually questions. Anatomical pictorials,bone models,different human bones were well positioned;some were painted with different colours of chalk,indicating the area of interest of the examiner. Some were labelled and the labelled structures were to be carefully identified and named. Some were inconspicuous and others conspicuous. The starting line was the door that led into the lab where one of the examiners was standing with the answer sheets. Each person was to enter immediately or move to the next question as soon as he/she hears the time-keeper's 'alert' bell. Each interval lasted for about 15 seconds. During the course of the race,there was no time for looking around nor asking questions . It was just a 'you-and-your-work' affair. The invigilators shouted 'move' for us to go to the next level. The exam took place in two labs and each person was expected to enter the second hall after finishing with the first. There was much pressure but it was part of the exam. It was a 'standing' exam. Infact,some of the questions included viewing and identifying the type of epithelium lining on different tissues and the tissues proper with the help of a microscope. Each person went home as soon as he/she finished. Though we prepared,there was need for speed and cordination for a successful race. It looked like a 'foot race' but was actually a mental race because a winner will emerge by virtue of the right answers written and not just the speed of motion. It was an interesting exam that needed much fast brain work. Just before the exam,I saw one of the contestants warming up as a way of preparation. I think he needed it. I became a steeple-chaser and shared in the excitement and experience. Though there were technical questions,I was able to run. Though I was not able to jump some of the 'fences',I continued and finished. What an interesting exam!!


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