
Showing posts from January, 2010


We are more than two weeks into the new year. As usual,the clock is ticking every second and has no intention of compromising even the minutiest fraction of a second. I was privileged to hear and read the resolutions of different people earlier this year.As a normal culture,people exchanged old bad habits with new good ones and vice versa.As some decided to remain as they were and continued in their former ways of life because of their inability to strictly abide by their new resolutions made in previous years,others thought of making some tangible positive changes.They did not just think about them nor wrote them down but got strategies that would help them achieve them.Another group decided to be more notorious and dangerous in their character. Some showed their commitment by going the extra mile of discarding some of their belongings thought to discourage them from achieving their set goals. Some others purchased some materials that they thought would help them become better individ...

This Kind God ! (God Is Faithful)

It could be a sacrilege for me to think that nothing happened.For all the Lord did for me,I definitely cannot suppress the feeling of gratitude flowing from the depth of my heart.God has done great wonders for me.By now,you should know that wonders shall never end and that He does wonders without number. We are in a brand new year and I count myself privileged to have seen myself in it. I know some people that lost their lives just towards the end of last year.Many of them must have planned one or two things to do this year. Their desires were cut short.Many of them were much younger than myself but have 'gone so soon.'I thank God for His privileges. A good example of what I am talking about is the case of a lady in my department that died on the eve of christmas-about two hours before Christmas day.The sad news was that she was killed by a 'negligible' disease known as tetanus. I want to specially thank God for the success He gave me in my recently concluded MB exam...

EXCERPTS FROM LDG(Last Days Gathering) 2009 ~2~

We are to talk about the faith that works,active and authentic. Jude introduced himself as a servant(slave) of Jesus Christ.Today's ministers understand such to be anachronistic and negligible.The modern preachers preach the privileges of the gospel alone.The faith given to us is not one without privileges.You dont need to pray for privileges if you have the right faith.The faith we have received emphasizes the giver more than the gift. Jesus is a treasure and not a means of getting treasure. The kingdom Jesus presented to us should cost us everything.The faith was and is not a beggarly one.He was not looking for followers.Only Jesus' disciples are called His own.Lack of choice has made our faith weak. We are not to serve Jesus for gain because He Himself is our gain.The loopholes in our lives give strength to the foolishness of the world.The salvation we are talking about is common to all.What God rejected in the 1st century,He still rejects in the 21st century.You wont conten...

EXCERPTS FROM LDG(Last Days Gathering) 2009

The theme for the 2009 LDG was EARNESTLY CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH. We need to ernestly contend for our faith because of its seriousness.We should glory in what we dont have and not in what we have. What is faith? Faith is not a tool to get the best out of life. It is not a tool for getting the maximum out of life.It is not a tool to get something you couldn't get by yourself.It is an encounter with Christ.Jesus does not come to help us but to lord over us. He does not come as an assistant but the main man. We have many pentecostal churches where the Holy spirit does not speak. This is because He can embarrass even the pastors,so the pastors tend to stop people from prophesying.People are now told to write down their prophecies.Government officials may not be invited where the Holy Spirit moves because He does not talk politically and is able to expose and embarrass them. The line between the church and the world is disappearing,not only in Nigeria. It is like the world and the ch...


After my shocking encounter with commercial sex workers in Onitsha on christmas day,I returned to Owerri two day later to prepare for a programme holding at Jos.I entered Owerri and stayed with my friend.I made the 'finishing touches' needed in my preparation. On 28th,very early in the morning,we left for Somachi park(along Egbu Road) where we boarded a bus(Plateau Rider to be precise) for Jos.At about 7.55am,we left the park.. The journey was indeed a long one. We left Owerri and got to Okigwe.From Okigwe,we crossed a part of Abia State to reach Enugu State.Udi,9th mile-Ngwo and Nsukka are some towns we crossed in Enugu state. From there,we got to Benue State(the food basket of the nation). Our journey through Benue State was more time-consuming compared with the other states because of the distance.Otukpo,the proposed capital of the proposed Apa State is a very large and conspicuous town in the state.While at Aliade,we saw oranges in large quantities in almost every corner.We...