EXCERPTS FROM LDG(Last Days Gathering) 2009
We need to ernestly contend for our faith because of its seriousness.We should glory in what we dont have and not in what we have.
What is faith?Faith is not a tool to get the best out of life. It is not a tool for getting the maximum out of life.It is not a tool to get something you couldn't get by yourself.It is an encounter with Christ.Jesus does not come to help us but to lord over us. He does not come as an assistant but the main man. We have many pentecostal churches where the Holy spirit does not speak. This is because He can embarrass even the pastors,so the pastors tend to stop people from prophesying.People are now told to write down their prophecies.Government officials may not be invited where the Holy Spirit moves because He does not talk politically and is able to expose and embarrass them.
The line between the church and the world is disappearing,not only in Nigeria. It is like the world and the church are 'reconciling.'The world hated Jesus when He was in the world. It is like the world does not hate the nigerian church. The world cannot teach the church what the church will use to destroy it.The world has nothing to offer you. It is set to confuse the church. The world will make some people in the church to be taken unawares. Do not allow yourself to be put in the mould of the world. The world's vision is to make you think like others. There are some things that are not obviously wrong but I dont still see that is right about them.
The gospel in some churches are NOT SHARP ENOUGH AGAINST SOME ISSUES like dressing. A gospel that does not embarrass the world is fake. You cannot be in the world and be a friend of God. The stand of the gospel as far the world is concerned determines its authenticity. Preachers preach many wonderful messages but the only problem with their messages is that they are not sharp enough in matters concerning the world.The gospel handed over to the saints is against the flesh. The gospel is talking about dying to flesh.
Demons do not attack a dead man. Jesus is sufficient to deliver us. The gospel is saying that Jesus is enough to solve every problem-period.The gospel is cheap but still has the potency to save a sincere sinner. The gospel is all about grace. There is no shortcut to faith and deliverance.Many so called christian books talk about christian principles but without Christ.Readers beware!Many gospels of today can bring relief but cannot deliver.
Sin simply means 'missing the mark.'If we fail to be careful,history will be made against us. We should be careful not to make the leading of yesterday to become the policy that will lead us today as seen in the life of Moses...To be continued.
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