EXCERPTS FROM LDG(Last Days Gathering) 2009 ~2~

We are to talk about the faith that works,active and authentic.

Jude introduced himself as a servant(slave) of Jesus Christ.Today's ministers understand such to be anachronistic and negligible.The modern preachers preach the privileges of the gospel alone.The faith given to us is not one without privileges.You dont need to pray for privileges if you have the right faith.The faith we have received emphasizes the giver more than the gift. Jesus is a treasure and not a means of getting treasure. The kingdom Jesus presented to us should cost us everything.The faith was and is not a beggarly one.He was not looking for followers.Only Jesus' disciples are called His own.Lack of choice has made our faith weak.

We are not to serve Jesus for gain because He Himself is our gain.The loopholes in our lives give strength to the foolishness of the world.The salvation we are talking about is common to all.What God rejected in the 1st century,He still rejects in the 21st century.You wont contend for what you dont believe in.Many believers are mere 'cats in a cage.'They feel constrained and only run around pursuing 'rats' when suddenly freed for a short while.The faith that was delivered to us is once and for all.It does not differ for different persons.This is the same with the Blood of Jesus sprinkled.My commitment to the word of God can only improve but the word of God on its own cannot be improved. There is no african bible nor nigerian christian.The truth also pulls crowd just like falsehood.It pulls crowd to the extent that satan does not even understand.

We are in a generation where people fight where there is no battle.Towers are places of safety during battles.If you are born again,you are already enlisted in the battle of faith. It is for everybody that is born-again.If you want to follow the word of God as it is,you are going to be a minority.Check whether you are on the right track.If everybody likes what you are doing,then you have a serious problem.If satan is your friend,you are just ABNORMAL.You will contend unless you are abnormal. If you are called a saddist,no problem.Contending for the faith is a good warfare.

If you dont contend,you are simply compromising. We now preach a gospel that has no conflict.Keeping the faith was and is still a serious matter.HOW DO YOU CONTEND? To have faith is the first step. Many of us are beginning to drop our good conscience with our faith. Holding a good(sharp) conscience is also a part of it. With a dull conscience,you will have no REGULATOR in your life. Dullness of ones conscience leads to rationalization. A good conscience does not save a man but regulates him.A sharp conscience helps you to see minute deviation.You cannot contend without a sharp conscience. The conscience is nurtured upon the word of God.

Vigilance is another act of contending .The vigilance on the truth that you have will help you to detect falsehood.You will not actually end well except you contend for your faith. Error spreads because there can be no vacuum on earth. You cant contend without occupying. Until you are ready to fill the space,you cant contend. The focus of contending is not on false teachers but on the faith.Contending for the faith is not all about speaking bogusly.

We are expected to be VERY EARNEST about the issue of contending.At first,we have the earnestmess to recall the truth already spoken by men of old.When you are pointing men to the truth,you are contending.You dont contend with common sense. Some people's mouths must be stopped. Contending demands looking above and not abroad.It demands deliverance from american dollars. The false doctrines that came or swept across Africa came on the wings of money.Earnestness is your personal concern on a particular matter. It comes because you know that you will be held responsible. Error comes and tends to dominate because we allowed it. Contending means re-stating the truth and bringing it up to prominence.Every generation must produce their own contenders.

We must be earnest in reproducing our own lives in discipleship.Discipleship is the act of pouring your life into another's with the idea that such a person will take over from you tomorrow.

To contend for the faith,we must publish the truth. It is a miscalculation to think that we will have enough 'presence' to do this work of God. If you dont publish,you'll perish. Michael Jackson and others allegedly published their 'foolishness' and influenced the world with it.When you publish the truth,you keep the content,enhance its consistency and promote its continuity.Our generation is groping and looking for the truth. You cannot contend if you are not aware that the truth outlives us when we publish it. Contending for the faith is all about contending.



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