
Showing posts from 2010

The 'Ember' Months - A Better Time To Die

We just arrived December, the last month of the year. The months of September, October, November and December popularly known as the 'ember' months have been regarded by many, as a period of the year that comes with mixed feelings, when the good, the bad and the ugly take place. There is usually a great feeling of fear, carefulness and apprehension, as they approach. In this part of the world, it has gained a certain level of notoriety for these, there is also an evident conceptual framework within which the activities of this reason are carried out. December marks and accommodates the climax of the activities and events of this season. Usually, there are celebrations and ceremonies, ranging from thanksgivings, weddings(both traditional and white), end-of-year parties, dedications, coronations, remembrances, end of meetings, coming-together . . .and sometimes, funerals. There is usually a high level of enthusiasm in people to celebrate and rejoice with others, forgetting the p...

Combating Crime In The Country

Crime has become cultural in our civilised world. Breaking-News that used to announce serious and special events to the public has become more common than the ordinary ones, announcing crime instead.It used to be unexpected, few and fiendish, but nowadays, it is commoner than our rampant fashion. There is an unhealthy and serious competition on who is a better criminal in the society. A great percentage of men and women see nothing wrong with doing those things that are socially strange, legally wrong, morally sacrilegious, not to talk of the ones that are abominations,biblically. Personal reasons, ulterior motives and selfish choices have become the defence mantra for many people. Some people even have the guts to produce well concocted, but flimsy reasons for the crime of murder. To them, the reasons for the dastardly act should be prioritized in the consideration process of the matter. In fact, to show the level of insanity predominantly in existence, many have been bewitched and g...

Let The Dogs Quit The Manger!

Many of the fables that have been credited to Aesop do infact date from well before the 5th century BC and modern scholarship doesn't give much credence to the idea that Aesop's Fables, as we now know them, were written by him at all. Accounts of Aesop's life are vague and date from long after his death. If he existed at all, it was as an editor of earlier Greek and Sumerian stones rather than as the writer of them. Though nothing written by Aesop now exists in any form one can go into any bookshop and buy, a copy of 'Aesop's Fables' and, for this book more than others is largely thanks to the invention of the movable type printing press. The infamous 'dog in a manger',who occupied the manger not because he wanted to eat the hay there but to prevent the other animals from doing so, is generally said to have been the invention of the Greek storyteller Aesop(circa 620-564BC). I came across the phrase,'dog in a manger' which rightly describes the a...

World Sight Day --Is Blindness Better?

I once read about a man that was born blind, who seriously desired to use his eyes,for the first time, just like others. He was troubled and tormented by his curiosity to see and observe the so-much-spoken-about beautiful environment and world at large, including man and other created and man-made things that occupied it. His desire was to have a glimpse even if it means having a faint view or seeing with only one of his eyes. Imagine a man in such an unfortunate condition without the idea of when there will be a change in the status quo! Miraculously,the man regained his sight but suprisingly, this same blind man was very disappointed, for he did not like what he finally saw. 'Is this what those with good eyes are suffering?',he asked. He preferred being blind to having good eyes for reasons best known to him. The World Sight Day emphasizes the structures put in place to remind people of the need to make serious and relentless efforts towards preserving their visions by taki...

Going Nowhere Fast

Taking a leaf from the Holy Bible,'What king would go for war against another king without first sitting down with his counselors to discuss whether his army of 10000 could defeat the 20000 soldiers marching against him? Who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Such a person might complete only the foundation before running out of money,and then everyone would laugh at him because he was unable to finish the project he began.' In a country faced with myriads of monstrous and leviathan challenges, every step taken towards a better and improved nation,socio-political and economic stability and eventual happiness of her citizens,should be thoroughly considered and properly directed. Our leaders' visions seem to be vague and suffering from ambiguity. It has left them confused and at the same time forming a clog in the wheels of the nation's progress. Often times,'visionless' people ar...

The Growing Fear Of Aba

In one of my recent articles,'Lucrative Kidnapping-A National Concern', I took an in-depth look at the trauma of kidnapping in Nigeria. The issue of kidnapping in this nation has refused to stop growing geometrically.It has found itself on the lips of every Nigerian with the gripping fear it brings. Recently,the concern has chronically sky-rocketed in the south-east zone. Most recently,it has shifted to Aba. Aba's case has become legendary, leaving the inhabitants of the city in fears. The fear of kidnappers has not just become endemic but epidemic in the busy city. Aba is a populous city located in Abia(God's Own State) in the south-eastern region of Nigeria. Popularly known as the 'Enyimba City' or 'Japan Of Africa', Aba is a commercial city housing people from the various tribes of the nation and expatriates.It's large market has made it the delight of buyers and sellers. People from neighbouring states usually come around for goods and services a...

The Ugly Inheritance

In life, people face miscellaneous challenges and are often visited by serious problems, some of which they orchestrated and others coming without invitation. In each case, plans are urgently made to solve the problems despite their knotty nature.Problems seem to be a part of life,as they constantly raise their ugly heads in the affairs of men, seeking undeserved attention. At the long run, these problems make or mar their host, depending on the way they were managed or handled. Just as parents bequeath possessions to their children,some problems are consciously or unconsciously transfered to the younger generation,who keep struggling with them,until they are eventually figured out and addressed. Evidently,many people are suffering due to what they know little or nothing about. I want to bring to our notice,one of such things. This one has the ability to affect and even destroy everyone born on planet earth. In the beginning, a problem was born and genetically transferred to everyone...

Exposition -- The Intricacies Of Serving God

I recently came across a bible passage that gave an in-depth revelation of what any service to God should be. I thought it wise to share it with any one that is passionate about obeying and serving God. Unargueably, many notions and ideas about our services to God may not have been absolutely raw, but I wish that God will give us the understanding and ability to conform to the grabbed understanding. It could be bitter but a therapeutic truth. Its relevance lies in our ability to accept it intoto. By virtue of what Jesus Christ did on the Cross of Calvary, He became the Lord and Saviour of anyone that believed and had faith in what He did. This is true to those that have actually and completely yielded to His leadership, those that are born-again, whose sins have been confessed and forgiven. The Lordship of Jesus is not just a propaganda, it is real to those that believe. As Lord,He is to dictate all that is done in one's life. Every action, word, intent becomes the product of His...

...Caring For The Whole Man

Imagine a world without trees, sun,moon,animals including man and other invaluable things; a world that is just covered with water,darkness and under the eagle eye of the hovering God's Spirit. God would have decided to solely inhabit the earth,no one would have existed to ask why. Of his own volition,He thought it wise to incorporate other things that probably would make it better. Against the theory of evolution,God decided to put the things we are seeing and enjoying into place by His power-laden Word. He began with the light,continued with the firmament,earth,seas and plants. He advanced to the great lights(Sun and Moon),with the former to rule the day and the latter to rule the night. He created the sea creatures and other beasts of the earth. All these,God said,were just good after the creation of each of them. God,with His heavenly entourage set out for the mission of making man. With the help of the moral support of the heavenly Generals,God made man in His image and after ...

Christianity Is All About Faith

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us the assurance about things we cannot see. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen, as against the erroneous claims of Darwin's evolution theory. Faith is an important,indispensable ingredient in christianity. None of them can exist without the other. A critical look into other religions shows the dominance of the act of faith, starting from Islam, ATR(African Traditional Religion) or paganism to Buddhism. Faith serves as a link between the worshippers and the worshipped. A christian has faith in God,a muslim in Allah, a pagan in Amadioha, a Buddhist in Buddha(Gantama Siddhartha) and so on. Obviously, it is strange to say that you are a part of a religion without demonstrating common faith in the deity you are to worship. It can drive anyone into concluding anything based on your actions. >Every r...

What If We All Go On Strike ?

Recently, many people saw Nigeria as a failed state with their reasons. Others speculated that Nigeria will soon fail if serious measures to avert such an occurence are not taken. Whether true or false, the state of things in this nation is nothing to write home about. Instead of actively growing, Nigeria is not just static but degenerating. There are obvious markers that our country will still smell doom if nothing tangible is urgently done. God Forbid! Many associations and groups are currently on strike, in an attempt to draw the attention of our distracted and confused government to their demands and unfavourable conditions. The PHCN workers just suspended their strike that left the entire nation in total darkness for about two days, while other nations are celebrating years of uninterrupted power supply. The effects of such action will unargueably be enormous. Services that require power will be paralysed and unavailable. Though Nigerians are used to the incessant power outage, ...

Child Abuse - The War Against Posterity

Our children have become victims of abuse,directly or indirectly. Children, who are undoubtedly the hope of our future are receiving from every corner, haphazard care. The snootiness meted to them is actually going out of hand. We have all gone to the extent of engaging in the hara-kiri of our own future and hope. Pitiably, we are sincerely unaware and insensitive to their sufferings. This abuse has manifested in our inability to holistically take proper care of our younger generation and has transcended to a bloody war against posterity. Unlike the desire of some families without issues, some women are comfortable with not having children. Some of them that eventually get pregnant choose to abort, others who succeed in putting to bed, try to sniffle life out of their babies. We usually hear the stories of mothers who discard their babies for reasons best known to them. The reason being that they got unwanted pregnancies that were products of their illicit relationships. The abuse of c...

Gender Equality-An Erroneous Propaganda

All over the world, some women are busy canvassing for equality gender-wise, between men and women. Some of them have taken the bull by the horn, even without getting paid for their actions, to mobilize, incite and initiate other women into thinking like them. It is actually spreading like wildfire and needs quick intervention to prevent the imminent enormous consequences and complications. It is a known fact that women are given preferential treatment in every well organised society, both in their individual homes and in the public places, but these per se are on the other hand beginning to wrought in them, the strange desire to be men in every ramification. Just to be like men, they are nurturing the idea of being in the helm of affairs, in every society where they are found. What a surreal development! At this point, it will be ideal for me to stress that gender equality is an idea from the pit of hell.It is 'antichrist-like' in nature. Wait a minute, before you misunderstan...

'Sarapause'-The Faith Style

The joy of every woman is to become the wife of one man before they are done with their life on earth.Every lady,including the very young ones desire to be married as they go about other necessary things.It is generally believed that a woman's life is incomplete without having a man she can call her own.Obviously,married women command respect more than their unmarried counterparts in the society. Also,a man is believed to be responsible when he gets married.Men who fail to get married 'as at when due',for whatsoever reason are regarded as persona-non-gratas among their contemporaries.When the union eventually produces an issue(especially male),the man is seen as a hero.Men and women alike are in continuous search for right partners,for a lifetime adventure,but the pressure of the process tend to tilt more to the side of the women because of the notion that their 'time' is passing away. Like men,women were wonderfully created by God.Undoubtedly,they are wonderfully c...

'Lucrative' Kidnapping - A National Concern

Dating back to the years of slave trade,human beings were profitable commodities in the hands of their dealers,who exchange them for money.Some human beings were captured to be sold while parents were willing to sell their seemingly stubborn children.Some of the slaves that were ferried out of the country were subjected to untold hardships in the hands of their buyers.Recently,human trafficking has been a serious challenge in our country,as people still lure their unsuspecting victims for the money-making venture. Like slave trade,kidnapping has become a matter to contend with in our country.It is about the most popular information seen in the news nationwide.Even the deaf people have heard it.Hardened individuals,that decided to take their destinies in their own hands,have taken kidnapping,as a means of getting their share of the unevenly distributed national cake.The big,the small,the young and the aged are being held on ransom day after day.Presently,it has become a thorn in the fl...

The Evanescence Of Opposition In Nigeria's Polity

Our country is full of shameless men and women tagged 'politicians',parading as our leaders.The big and small,the godfathers and their protégés are losing their right senses of reasoning.It is an open truth that any leadership without the availability of enough healthy opposition,from any source,will gradually translate to dictatorship.I once said that our country is gradually returning to the dictatorship era,that subjected us to untold hardship and reduced chances of growth in every sector. Nigeria has gained a certain notoriety from the uncontrolled defection of members of her political class in search of greener pastures.This defection is independent of any good reason or promising future for the nation at the long run.Our politicians are so free to keep defecting,provided their selfish desires are satiated.The satiric episodes of carpet-crossing that occured in recent times,have succeeded in jeopardizing the efforts we have made to democratically grow.It has also tainted t...

Fighting Against AIDS

In 1981,the first cases of AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)were identified among gay men in the United States,acquiring the designation,GRID(Gay-Related).By the end of 2003,twelve million children in Sub-Saharan Africa were orphaned by AIDS.Scientists later found evidence that the disease existed in the world for some years prior,that is,subsequent analysis of a blood sample of a Bantu man,who died of an unidentified illness in the Belgian Congo in 1959,making him the first confirmed case of an HIV infection. Where did HIV,the virus that causes AIDS come from?Both of AIDS viruses,HIV-1 and HIV-2,originated in Western-Central Africa according to genetic statistics.As is often the case with microbes,a jump from one species is probably to blame.HIV-1 is probably from chimpanzees while HIV-2 is from sooty mangabeys.AIDS epidemic seemed to have occured around,or just after the Second World War.Cases of AIDS in 1982 began to be reported by fourteen nations.As early as 1982,Centre Fo...

How Are The Mighty Fallen!

Wonders,they say,shall never end.The 19th edition of the FIFA World Cup has so far produced the manuscript of an interesting drama,full of intrigues and mind-blowing surprises.Africa had the privilege,for the first time,of hosting the highest football tournament in the world.204 teams from all the continents played the qualifying series but only 32 teams had their passion up to the needed threshold . During the 18 tournaments that have been held,seven national teams won the title.Brazil have won the World Cup a record five times,and they are the only team to have played in every tournament.Italy,the current champions,have won four titles and Germany are the next with three title.The other former champions are Uruguay,winners of the inaugural tournament and Argentina with two titles each,and England and France with one title each. The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting event in the world,an estimated 715.1million people watched the final match of the 2006 World Cup held in Ge...

Nigerian Roads And Their Construction

Unlike what most farmers cherish because of its good work on the soil and subsequent large production of crops,rainy season is dreaded by motorists because of the bad shape it gives our roads and the direct effect of the bad roads on their vehicles,due to poor maintainance or inexpert construction of these roads.Unfortunately,rain,an inexorable natural phenomenon and gift from God seems to be causing more harm than good to motorists,motorcyclists,passengers and pedestrians alike.It has suddenly turned to nightmare.Our roads are in dire need of serious attention in terms of repair and maintainance so as to ameliorate the worsening conditions of the users. Road construction in our country like other things have become more of lip-service when compared with other nations with the welfare of their citizens at heart.Despite the large sums of money allocated for road construction and maintainance,only little or nothing is done.The media is often flooded with the news of large sums of money...

As Usual!

I am just wondering how fellow Nigerians will be feeling after the painful elimination of the so-called Super Eagles by the South Koreans.Obviously very sad! My wall on facebook has been inundated by friends' posts which simply reflects total disappointed and how angry they are.I just hope that none will commit suicide.Right before our President,we lost our first game against Argentina in the 2010 World Cup,which is the first of its kind being hosted on african soil since it commencement in 1930. The days of Nigeria's remarkable successes in competitions of this magnitude have been wiped off our memories.To most nigerians,loosing our games against even supposedly weaker teams have become recurrent,usual and a culture to most of us.Many of us will always console ourselves with the records of our past heroic footballers like Yekini,Okocha and the likes.Our hearts have so much been broken in recent times to the extent that many of us don't even expect anything when it comes t...